
英['kʌltɪveɪt] 美['kʌltɪveɪt]
  • vt.栽培;耕作;培养;陶冶;结交(朋友)
cultivatable cultivated cultivated cultivating cultivates
    v. (动词)
    1. 栽培
    2. 结交
    3. 培育
    4. 培养
    5. 耕作
    6. 养殖
    7. 陶冶
    8. 耕种
    9. 开垦
    10. 培土
    11. 建立
    12. 教化
    13. 加强
    14. 养成
    15. 修习
    16. 磨炼
    17. 谋求
    18. 追求
    19. 发展
    20. 细心照料
    21. 跟…交朋友
    22. 种植
    23. 培养(友谊)
    24. 逐渐形成
    25. 耕耘
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. 耕作,种植 prepare and use (land, soil, etc.) for growing crops
    2. vt. 陶冶思想、感情 make (the mind, feelings, etc.) more educated and refined
    3. vt. 培养(友谊) encourage the growth of (friendship with sb)


  1. foster the growth of

  2. prepare for crops;

    "Work the soil"
    "cultivate the land"

  3. teach or refine to be discriminative in taste or judgment;

    "Cultivate your musical taste"
    "Train your tastebuds"
    "She is well schooled in poetry"

  4. adapt (a wild plant or unclaimed land) to the environment;

    "domesticate oats"
    "tame the soil"

    用作及物动词 (vt.)
    1. He was granted many privileges to cultivate crops.
    2. They moved to the country to cultivate the soil .
    3. The people cultivate mainly rice and beans.
    4. Father tries to cultivate my love for art.
    5. Tom tried to cultivate good study habits.
    6. It takes some time to cultivate a new friendship.
    7. Extensive reading can cultivate your mind.
    8. He always tries to cultivate famous people.
    9. You must cultivate people who can help you in business.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. The farmer is cultivating his land.
    2. She cultivated her mind by reading many books.
    3. One should cultivate good manners from childhood.
    4. 1
    5. Corn and cotton are extensively cultivated in this region.
    6. Pearls are being cultivated on the South China Sea coast.
    7. This field has not been cultivated for years.
v. (动词)
  1. cultivate的基本意思是指对土地进行照料或调理以使其肥沃,也指对植物细心管理以改善其状况。引申可指对合意的东西进行细心周到的照顾以使其健康成长,常用于抽象事物,如“陶冶情操”“培养友谊”等。
  2. cultivate作“种植”解,主语是人时不能用被动语态; 主语是事物时则要用被动语态,其后常接介词with。
  3. cultivate作“与…结交”解时,指想方设法去结交某人,一般是出于不良的动机或试图巴结别人,常含有贬义。
v. (动词)
cultivate, cherish, foster, nurse, nurture
  • 这组词都可表示“照料或培育某人或某事”。其区别在于:nurse通常指养育婴儿或幼兽或照料无力自顾的病人; cherish着重指抚育或爱护; cultivate则指培养某种理想中的事物或感情; foster指鼓励、扶植或促进某事物的增长和发展; nurture则强调对后来发展起决定作用的教养或训练。例如:
  • All her time goes into nursing her old father.她的全部时间都用来看护她的老父亲。
  • They have cherished the child as one of their own.他们把这个小孩当作自己的亲生子女来抚养。
  • He cultivates an appreciation of abstract art.他培养对抽象艺术的鉴赏力。
  • The mother tried to foster her son's interest in music by taking him to concerts when he was young.母亲设法培养儿子对音乐的兴趣,在他很小的时候就带他去参加音乐会。
  • Nurture your mind with good reading.以优秀的读物来发展你的心智。
  • nurse,tend,foster,cultivate,cherish
  • 这些动词均含“照料、培育”之意。
  • nurse通常指对无力自顾的婴儿、病人等进行照料或护理。
  • tend指出于责任心、博爱心而不是私人感情去对人或物进行照顾。
  • foster指对孩子的关心、鼓励、供养及抚养其成长;也指鼓励、促进事物的增长与发展。
  • cultivate具体意义指耕耘、培育植物;抽象意义指培养兴趣或向往的理想事物。
  • cherish强调抚育或爱抚。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    cultivate with (v.+prep.)
      用…耕种 use a tool or machine for growing crops on the land or soil
      cultivate sth with sth

      Farmers cultivate their farms with spade.


      They cultivate their land with tractors.


      The land is cultivated with rice, cotton and vegetables.


    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+名词 ~+副词 ~+介词