
英[kɜːt] 美[kɜːrt]
  • adj.(言语)简短失礼的;简短的;草率的
curtly curter curtest curtness
  • cur n.恶犬(尤指杂种狗);卑鄙小人;胆小鬼
  • cur. n.恶犬(尤指杂种狗);卑鄙小人;胆小鬼
  • Curabet 屈拉贝
  • curability n.治愈可能性;有痊愈希望
  • curable adj.可医治的;医得好的
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 简短的
    2. 简略的
    3. 简慢的
    4. 唐突草率的
    5. 简明的
    6. 简要的
    7. 粗率的
    8. 草率的
    9. 生硬的
    10. 敷衍了事的
    11. 短短的
    12. (言语)粗鲁的
    13. 不客气的
    14. 草率无礼的
    15. 三言两语的
    16. 扼要的
    17. 粗率无礼的
    18. 唐突的


  1. marked by rude or peremptory shortness;

    "try to cultivate a less brusque manner"
    "a curt reply"
    "the salesgirl was very short with him"

  2. brief and to the point; effectively cut short;

    "a crisp retort"
    "a response so curt as to be almost rude"
    "the laconic reply; `yes'"
    "short and terse and easy to understand"

    1. He rapped out a series of curt commands.
    2. `No!' was his curt rejoinder.
    3. He rapped out a series of curt commands.