
英['dæli] 美['dæli]
  • v.浪费时间;戏耍;玩弄;赋闲;调情
dallyingly dallier dallied dallied dallying dallies
  • dal abbr.十升(=decaliter)
  • Dal-E-Rad 甲胂一钠
  • dala-dala n.(坦桑尼亚)用做出租车的小面包车
  • Dalaas n.达拉斯(在奥地利;东经9º59'北纬47º08')
  • Dalaba n.达拉巴(在几内亚;西经12º15'北纬10º42')
    v. (动词)
    1. 蹉跎(时光)
    2. 拖拉
    3. 调情
    4. 闲混
    5. 浪费
    6. 嬉戏
    7. 轻率的对待
    8. <旧>游荡
    9. 延误
    10. 调戏
    11. 戏弄
    12. 浪费(时间)
    13. 闲荡
    14. 戏耍
    15. 玩弄
    16. 赋闲
    17. 随随便便地对待
    18. 不很认真地考虑
    19. 浪费时间
    20. 玩弄戏耍
    n. (名词)
    1. 达尔马西亚的移民
    2. 达利(音译名)


  1. behave carelessly or indifferently;

    "Play about with a young girl's affection"

  2. waste time;

    "Get busy--don't dally!"

  3. talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions;

    "The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries"
    "My husband never flirts with other women"

  4. consider not very seriously;

    "He is trifling with her"
    "She plays with the thought of moving to Tasmania"

    用作动词 (v.)
    1. Come on and don't dally.
    2. She dallies over her work and rarely finishes it.
    3. She merely dallied with his affections.
    4. They dallied with the proposal for days, but finally refused it.