dash off

英[dæʃɒf] 美[dæʃɔːf]
  • 匆忙完成;匆匆离去;迅速写(或画)
  • dash v.猛冲;猛掷;泼溅;匆忙完成n.破折号;短跑;猛冲;冲
  • off adv.表示状态的关闭或离开prep.离开;在...之外adj.空闲的;离开的;关闭的v.离开;脱下
  1. write quickly;

    "She dashed off a note to her husband saying she would not be home for supper"
    "He scratched off a thank-you note to the hostess"

  2. write down hastily;

    "She dashed off a letter to her lawyer"

    1. She hopped on her bicycle and dashed off.
    2. He could dash off a comedy monologue in half an hour.
