
英[dɪ'djuːs] 美[dɪ'duːs]
  • vt.演绎;推断
deducible deduced deduced deducing deduces
  • DED abbr.数据元素字典(=DataElementDictionary)abbr.教育学博士(=DoctorofEducation)
  • Ded-weed 2
  • DED/D n.数据元素字典/目录
  • Deda n.代达(在罗马尼亚;东经24º50'北纬46º56')
  • Dedabrishvili 杰达布里什维利
    v. (动词)
    1. 演绎,推论,推出,导出,推导,推知,归算,引出,推理,推断,断定
    2. 追溯,追溯根源,沿着…的路找
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. & vi. 推论,演绎 determine or decide sth from general principles in relation to a particular thing, fact, or event


  1. reason by deduction; establish by deduction

  2. conclude by reasoning; in logic

    用作及物动词 (vt.)
    1. He will deduce a conclusion from premises.
    2. If a = b and b = c, we can deduce that a = c.
      设a = b,b = c,可以推断a=c。
    3. The police were able to deduce where the fugitive was hiding.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+~+that-clause
    1. On the basis of evidence we deduced that he was guilty.
    2. Because there was no cloud, he deduced that it was going to be a cold night.
    1. The police were able to deduce where the fugitive was hiding.
v. (动词)
  1. deduce的基本意思是“推论”“演绎”,指在证据的基础上通过有条理的逻辑思维,从一般原则中得出特殊推断。
  2. deduce是及物动词,接名词或名词从句作宾语。
  3. deduce常接介词from,表示“从…推断出”。
v. (动词)
deduce, conclude, gather, infer, judge
  • 这几个词的共同意思是“推断”。其区别在于:infer指从不太充分的论据或前提中推断出结论; conclude指通过推理或判断而得出结论; deduce指有充分根据地推论或逻辑上地演绎; gather指综合事物得出印象或感想等; judge通常指经过仔细鉴定或评价之后作出的决断。例如:
  • From his a manner of dress and style of living,I gather that he is man of considerable means.从他的穿着式样和生活方式,我揣想他是个相当富有的人。
  • She had concluded from that her grandmother did not like her.她已从那一点得出结论,断定她祖母不喜欢她。
  • If you saw a doctor leaving a house, you might deduce the fact that someone in the house was ill.你要是看到医生从一家出来,你就可以推想那家有人生病。
  • We see smoke and infer fire.我们看到烟,从而推断有火。
  • Judging from what you said, they ought to succeed.从你说的情况看来,他们应当能成功。
  • deduce, deduct
  • 这组词的区别是:deduce的意思是“演绎、推理”,而deduct的意思是“扣除”。两词意思截然不同,可它们的名词形式却都是deduction。
  • infer,deduce,conclude,gather,judge
  • 这些动词均含“推断”之意。
  • infer指从已提供的论据或从已接受的前提出发而推断出的结论。
  • deduce指有充分根据的推论,也指逻辑学上的演绎。
  • conclude指得出符合逻辑的结论。
  • gather指从听到的情况推测、判定。
  • judge多指经过仔细鉴定或评价之后作出决断。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    deduce from (v.+prep.)
      从(所给事实)推论出… reach (an answer) by reasoning from (given facts)
      deduce sth from sth

      What do you deduce from the facts?


      We can deduce a conclusion from the premises.


      deduce from sb/sth that-clause

      I deduce from the small crowd that the speaker is not very popular.


      I deduced from the noise that the dog had woken up.


      From her conversation,I deduced that she has a large family.


    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+名词 ~+副词 ~+介词