
英[dɪ'mɒrəlaɪz] 美[dɪ'mɔːrəlaɪz]
  • v.使士气低落;使失去斗志
demoralization demoralized demoralized demoralizing demoralizes
  • DEM abbr.民主主义者(=democrat)
  • Dem. Democrat;abbr.;=Democrat
  • DEMA =DataEntryManagementAssociation数据录入管理协会[美]
  • Demachi 出町(姓,日本)
  • Demachy 德马希
    v. (动词)
    1. 使泄气
    2. 败坏风纪
    3. 使道德败坏
    4. 伤风败俗
    5. 使沮丧
    6. 【军】使士气低落
    7. 使陷入混乱
    8. 使灰心丧气
    9. 人心涣散
    10. 使…扫兴
    11. 富有败坏性
    12. 使意志消沉
    13. 使腐败
    14. 削弱…的士气、勇气、风纪或耐力
    15. 使堕落
    16. 挫…的锐气
    17. (使)失去斗志


  1. corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality;

    "debauch the young people with wine and women"
    "Socrates was accused of corrupting young men"
    "Do school counselors subvert young children?"
    "corrupt the morals"

  2. lower someone's spirits; make downhearted;

    "These news depressed her"
    "The bad state of her child's health demoralizes her"

  3. confuse or put into disorder;

    "the boss's behavior demoralized everyone in the office"

    用作动词 (v.)
    1. The troops were thoroughly demoralized by this set-back.
    2. Each attack is designed to demoralize our people and divide us from one another.
    3. Constant criticism is enough to demoralize anybody.
