
英[den] 美[den]
  • n.兽穴;集聚地v.穴居
denned denned denning dens
    n. (名词)
    1. 活动场所
    2. 藏身处
    3. 肮脏简陋的小房间,小而脏的屋子
    4. 幽静小巧的私室
    5. 兽穴,洞穴
    6. 窝巢,兽窝
    7. 贼窝,匪窟,窝点
    8. 窝子
    9. 休息室
    10. 书斋,书房,小而舒适的书斋
    11. 隐蔽玩耍处
    v. (动词)
    1. 藏到洞里
    2. 住在肮脏简陋的小房间里
    3. 把...赶进洞穴
    4. 穴居,进窝(冬眠)
    5. 搭房子
    abbr. (缩略词)
    1. =Directory-Enabled Network 目录驱动网络
    n. (名词)
    1. [C]兽窝,兽穴 the home of a usually large fierce wild animal,such as a lion
    2. [C]密室,匪窝 a centre of secret,especially illegal activity


  1. the habitation of wild animals

  2. a hiding place; usually a remote place used by outlaws

  3. a unit of 8 to 10 cub scouts

  4. a room that is comfortable and secluded

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. They lured the bear out of its den.
    2. The lion lay asleep in its den.
    3. There is no den in the wide world to hide a rogue.
    4. He has made his house a den of thieves.
    5. The police tracked the thieves to their den.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. The bears den up together during the winter.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Nobody dared to enter the den of tigers.
    2. He found himself in a den of thieves.
n. (名词)
den, hole, hollow
  • 这组词都有“孔,洞,穴”的意思。其区别在于:hole可指正常的“洞,洞穴”,也可指不正常的“破洞,裂口”; hollow主要指凹地、洼地或任何物体的“凹陷部分”,如洞、穴、坑等; den特指“兽穴”,也指动物园中的“兽笼”,有时也可指“匪窝”等。例如:
  • We got into the cellar through a round hole covered by a metalplate.
  • 我们从一个有金属盖板的圆洞进入地 下室。
  • More gravel is needed to fill the hollow in the driveway.
  • 在车道的凹地上需要填更多的沙砾。
  • The policeman happened to find a den of thieves in the suburb of the city.
  • 警察在市郊发现了一个贼窝。