
英['daɪət] 美['daɪət]
  • n.日常食物;规定饮食;节食n.(日本等国的)国会v.节食;照规定饮食;喂食
dieter dieted dieted dieting diets
    n. (名词)
    1. (日常)饮食,食物,膳食
    2. 特种饮食,规定的饮食
    3. 议会,国会
    4. 日常看的东西;日常做的事情
    5. 伙食费用
    6. 大量单调的活动;大量单一的东西
    7. 规定饮食的时期
    v. (动词)
    1. 忌食,忌口,忌嘴
    2. 进规定的饮食;给(病人)指定饮食
    3. 实行节食,节食
    4. 按规定食谱饮食
    5. 照减肥食谱饮食
    6. 喂食
    n. (名词)
    1. [C]日常饮食 sort of food that is usually eaten by a person, community, etc.
    2. [C]规定饮食 limited variety or amount of food that a person is allowed to eat
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. & vi. (使)节制饮食 (cause to) restrict sb; be restricted, to a limited list of food and drink that one is allowed, especially by a doctor


  1. a prescribed selection of foods

  2. a legislative assembly in certain countries (e.g., Japan)

  3. the usual food and drink consumed by an organism (person or animal)

  4. the act of restricting your food intake (or your intake of particular foods)

  1. follow a regimen or a diet, as for health reasons;

    "He has high blood pressure and must stick to a low-salt diet"

  2. eat sparingly, for health reasons or to lose weight

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Too rich a diet (ie Too much rich food) is not good for you.
    2. You should eat more high-protein diet.
    3. Her diet restricts her to 1500 calories a day.
    4. The doctor says I've got to go on a diet.
    5. He is on a diet to reduce some weight.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The Diet will have a long session.
    2. The Japanese prime minister responded to the Congressmen at the diet.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. You ought to diet and take more exercise.
    2. We must diet and take more exercise.
    3. She got so fat that she had to diet .
    4. The diet of youngstock is a contentious issue as overfeeding or an incorrect diet can lead to problems in later life.
    5. Longo and colleagues said animals fed a low-calorie diet live longer, in part because their cells can resist stress better.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. My diet is made up of rice and vegetables.
    2. The doctor put me on a low-salt diet.
    3. Noise pollution is a daily diet in big cities.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作不及物动词 S+~(+A)
    1. He is dieting.
    2. He got so fat that he had to diet.
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. His doctor is dieting him strictly.
    2. I am dieting myself on vegetation.
    3. She became so fat that she had to diet herself.
v. (动词)
  1. diet的基本意思是“进特种饮食”或“节食”,多用于在医生劝导或规定之下。可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,用作及物动词时,可接名词、人称代词或反身代词作宾语。
n. (名词)
diet, food, provisions, rations, table
  • 这五个词都可作“食物”解。其区别在于:food是一般用语,在科学上指把植物作为营养的东西,常有plant food那样的用法; diet指惯常的或规定的食物,特指维持健康的定量或定质的食物,又指疗养时规定的食物,也指肉食或素食等食物。常指病人,犯人,减肥者等吃的食物; provisions意为“一批粮食”,指即时应用或储藏备用的食物; rations指配给的定量食物; table指陈列于桌上的食品,一般是较丰盛的。例如:
  • Milk is the natural food for young babies.牛奶是婴儿的天然食物。
  • I like a simple diet best.我最喜欢粗茶淡饭。
  • I'm going to buy provisions for the holidays.我要去买一些假期所需要的食物。
  • People in some countries live on rations.一些国家的人们靠配给的定量食物为生。
  • He keeps a good table.他备盛宴以待客。
  • diet, meal, repast
  • 这三个词的共同意思是“餐”。其区别是:
  • meal意为“一餐,进餐,饭菜”,是普通用语; repast通常指“盛餐”,一般用在正式文体中,日常英语中用得极少。例如:
  • The guest partook of a luxurious repast in the beautiful hall.这位客人在这美丽的大厅里享受了一顿奢侈的盛宴。
  • diet通常指特定的饮食、食物、习惯食用品。例如:
  • You'd better have a light diet.你最好吃清淡的食物。
  • 用作名词 (n.)
    go on a diet
      用规定食谱,节食 allowed to eat only some foods or a little food, because of illness or to lose weight
    用作动词 (v.)