
英[daɪ'ɡres] 美[daɪ'ɡres]
  • v.走向岔道;离开本题;扯到枝节上
digressed digressed digressing digresses
  • dig v.挖;掘;翻土;探究;戳;捅n.推;戳;挖掘;挖苦;住所
  • dig-in n.掘进
  • DIG-Labeled 地高辛(DIG)标记
  • dig-patch 挖补
  • Dig. v.挖;掘;翻土;探究;戳;捅n.推;戳;挖掘;挖苦;住所
  1. lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument in writing, thinking, or speaking;

    "She always digresses when telling a story"
    "her mind wanders"
    "Don't digress when you give a lecture"

  2. wander from a direct or straight course

    用作动词 (v.)
    1. I'll tell you a funny story,if I may digress for a moment.
    2. Don't digress from the subject when lecturing.