
英['daɪə(r)] 美['daɪər]
  • adj.可怕的;悲惨的;极其的
direly direr direst direness
  • DIR abbr.目录区;列目录(=directory)abbr.国防工业研究计划(=DefenceIndustrialResearchProgramme)abbr.董事(=director)abbr.方向(=direction)
  • DIRA 迪拉是瑞士制造的火箭炮
  • Dirac n.迪拉克(①姓氏②PaulAdrienMaurice;1902-;英国物理学家;曾获1933年诺贝尔物理学奖)
  • Diracca 迪拉卡
  • Diracles n.迪拉克尔斯
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 可怕的
    2. 悲惨的
    3. 极其严重的
    4. 危急的
    5. 极糟的
    6. 极差的
    7. 极度的
    8. 紧迫的
    9. 极端的
    10. 不吉利的
    11. 迫切的
    12. 严重
    13. 不堪设想
    14. 困难
    15. 恐怖的
    16. 令人惊骇的
    17. 阴惨的
    18. 灾难的不幸的


  1. fraught with extreme danger; nearly hopeless;

    "a desperate illness"
    "on all fronts the Allies were in a desperate situation due to lack of materiel"
    "a dire emergency"

  2. causing fear or dread or terror;

    "the awful war"
    "an awful risk"
    "dire news"
    "a career or vengeance so direful that London was shocked"
    "the dread presence of the headmaster"
    "polio is no longer the dreaded disease it once was"
    "a dreadful storm"
    "a fearful howling"
    "horrendous explosions shook the city"
    "a terrible curse"

    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. You'll be in dire trouble if you don't watch out.
    2. Some in their beds shall toss and groan in dire dreams.
    3. The backward economy and the cruel exploitation by the serf-owners kept the people in dire poverty and misery.
    4. On the way to this present greatness and security the American people passed through one phase of dire conflict.
    5. She had been oppressed by dire poverty.
    6. The black girl's family is in dire necessity.
    7. The film we saw was absolutely dire!