
英['edɪt] 美['edɪt]
  • vt.剪辑;编辑;校订
edited edited editing edits
  • edi abbr.电子数据交换(=ElectronicDataInterchange).
  • EDIA n.工程部门说明书的修正
  • Ediacaran 埃迪卡拉纪
  • Ediacaran/Sinian 伊迪卡拉(震旦)纪
  • Edib 埃迪布
    n. (名词)
    1. 编辑工作
    2. 社论
    3. 编篡
    4. 删改
    5. 编辑
    6. 剪辑
    v. (动词)
    1. 剪辑
    2. 编辑
    3. 主编
    4. 校订
    5. 剪接
    6. 担任的编辑
    7. 编排
    8. 订正
    9. 排队
    10. 整理出来
    11. 刊行
    12. 编纂
    13. 删节
    14. 删除
    15. 删掉
    16. 编校
    17. 修订
    18. 修订
    19. 为(报刊、杂志)制定(编辑)方针
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. & vi. 编辑 prepare for printing
    2. vt. 剪辑 prepare from collected material a cinema film, radio performance, or recording


  1. prepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting;

    "Edit a book on lexical semantics"
    "she edited the letters of the politician so as to omit the most personal passages"

  2. supervise the publication of;

    "The same family has been editing the influential newspaper for almost 100 years"

  3. cut and assemble the components of;

    "edit film"
    "cut recording tape"

  4. cut or eliminate;

    "she edited the juiciest scenes"

    用作及物动词 (vt.)
    1. You'll have to edit that tape, it's too long.
      那盘录音带太长, 你得把它剪辑一下。
    2. You shouldn‘t need to edit this file directly.
    3. He edit a daily paper before he come to teach at our college.
    4. Allows the user to edit the object.
    5. It is not yet decided who will edit it.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. He edited a book of poetry carefully.
    2. He edited a volume of Irish Fairy Tales for children.
    3. Two boys were chosen to edit the class bulletin.
    4. He used to edit the Washington Post .
    5. It took him about 20 hours to edit that film.
    6. You'll have to edit that tape—it's too long.
    7. 1
    8. If a film is well edited it can add greatly to its excitement.
    9. The film was edited by a skilled technician.
v. (动词)
  1. edit的基本意思是为出版别人的东西做准备,即出版前的全部编辑工作,从拟定报刊、杂志及书籍的编辑方针开始,到文稿校订,到为适应版面需要而对文章进行剪辑。edit可用于影片拷贝、录音磁带的剪辑或为计算机编排程序。
  2. edit既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常与out连用。
  3. edit可用于被动结构。
v. (动词)
edit, adapt, compile, redact, revise, rewrite
  • 这组词都可表示“为出版/发表做准备”。它们之间的区别是:edit含义较广,指出版前的全部编辑工作; adapt指为了适合某类读者需要或便于对原件作大幅度修改,使其成为另一种体裁、形式; compile指编辑词典或编汇文集,暗示担任搜集、整理和编排的工作; redact指编纂文学作品的原稿或历史文稿,以便出版或使用,也指拟定公告、通告等; revise指校订原稿或修订较早的版本; rewrite指报社编辑等对材料的改写或加工,也指一般的修改工作。
  • compile,edit
  • 这两个动词均含“编辑”之意。
  • compile通常指根据搜集、整理的资料编辑词典或汇编文集。
  • edit普通用词,含义广泛。指校订、编辑他人待出版的著作,也指对杂志、报刊的稿件进行编辑、编排加工。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    edit from (v.+prep.)
      根据…编辑 prepare for printing from
      edit sth from sth

      It was edited from the original text.


    edit out (v.+adv.)
      在编辑过程中删去(字句) remove (unwanted words) when preparing sth for printing
      edit sth ⇔ out

      We edited out some unnecessary words or sentences from the draft.


      As his last sentence is rather rude, we'd better edit it out.


      The words she used were edited out before the programme was broadcast.


      All references to the scandal were edited out of the tape.


    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+名词 ~+副词 ~+介词