
英[ɪm'bleɪzn] 美[ɪm'bleɪzn]
  • vt.饰以纹章;使有光彩;颂扬
emblazoner emblazoned emblazoned emblazoning emblazons
  • emb abbr.乘船;着手(=embarkation)
  • Emb. [医]胚胎学
  • Embacetin 氯霉素,左霉素,氯胺苯醇[氯霉素类抗生素]
  • Embacher 恩巴赫
  • embacle n.河中之碎冰堆
  1. decorate with colors;

    "color the walls with paint in warm tones"

  2. decorate with heraldic arms

    1. Look, our athletes are marching into the arena! They all look full of vigour in sweat-shirts emblazoned with the name of our school.
