
英[ɪ'vɪkt] 美[ɪ'vɪkt]
  • v.驱逐;依法收回
evictee evicted evicted evicting evicts
  • body n.身体;主体;正文;主要部分;尸体;躯体;团体v.赋…以形体
  • d n.字母D
  • every adj.每个;一切的;所有可能的;每隔;最大的
  • human adj.人的;人类的;有人性的;人本性的n.人;人类
  • part n.部分;零件;角色;部位v.断裂;分离;离开;分开;不赞成adv.部分地adj.分离的(-前缀)
    v. (动词)
    1. 驱逐,逐出,赶出
    2. <旧>收回
    3. 迁移
    4. 依法收回(财产等)


  1. expel or eject without recourse to legal process;

    "The landlord wanted to evict the tenants so he banged on the pipes every morning at 3 a.m."

  2. expel from one's property or force to move out by a legal process;

    "The landlord evicted the tenants after they had not paid the rent for four months"

    用作动词 (v.)
    1. The landlord can evict a tenant who doesn't pay the rent.
    2. Don't fall behind with the rent, or you'll be evicted.