
英[ɪ'vɪsəreɪt] 美[ɪ'vɪsəreɪt]
  • v.取出内脏;除去精华
evisceration eviscerated eviscerated eviscerating eviscerates
  • EVI =ExtremeValueIndex极值指数
  • Evian n.埃维昂(法国上萨瓦省北部莱芒湖南岸的一座依山傍水的小城)=Évian-les-Bains.
  • Eviani 埃维亚尼
  • eviations 偏差
  • Evica 埃维察
  1. having been disembowelled

  1. surgically remove a part of a structure or an organ

  2. remove the contents of;

    "eviscerate the stomach"

  3. remove the entrails of;

    "draw a chicken"

  4. take away a vital or essential part of;

    "the compromise among the parties eviscerated the bill that had been proposed"
