
英[ɪk'siːd] 美[ɪk'siːd]
  • vt.超过;超出vi.领先
exceeded exceeded exceeding exceeds
  • excavation n.挖掘;发掘;挖掘的洞;发掘物
  • plan n.计划;方法;策略;设计图;平面图v.打算;安排;计划;设计
    v. (动词)
    1. 超过,超出,胜过
    2. 突出
    3. 优于
    4. 凌驾
    5. 超越的限制
    6. 领先
    7. 超越,越过,越出
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. 超过; 超越 be more or greater than


  1. be greater in scope or size than some standard;

    "Their loyalty exceeds their national bonds"

  2. be superior or better than some standard;

    "She exceeded our expectations"
    "She topped her performance of last year"

  3. be or do something to a greater degree;

    "her performance surpasses that of any other student I know"
    "She outdoes all other athletes"
    "This exceeds all my expectations"
    "This car outperforms all others in its class"

    用作及物动词 (vt.)
    1. His knowledge of history exceeds mine.
    2. Demand began to exceed supply.
    3. The fine shall not exceed $300.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. The demand for fish this month exceeds the supply.
    2. The driver exceeds the speed limit.
    3. Their total grain output still exceeded that of the previous year.
v. (动词)
exceed, excel, outdo, outstrip, surpass, transcend
  • 这组词的共同意思是“超过”。其区别在于:transcend原指超越世俗、物质世界等,暗示高高凌驾于一般事物之上; exceed指超出权利、权力的限度或管辖的范围,也指超出规定的时空范围,还指在大小、数量、程度上超过; excel指在成就或学识上胜过他人; outdo指有意打破先前的纪录或胜过前人; outstrip指在竞赛、竞争中超过对手; surpass指在质量上、气力上、速度上、技术上等超过对方。
  • surpass,excel,exceed
  • 这些动词均有“超过、胜过”之意。
  • surpass多用以强调优点、长处、技能或质量等方面的超过。
  • excel指在成绩、成就或学识上胜过他人。
  • exceed既可指超出权利、权力的限度、管辖范围,或超过规定的时间范围,又可指在数量、程度或大小等方面的超过。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    ~+名词 ~+副词 ~+介词