
英[ɪk'stempəraɪz] 美[ɪk'stempəraɪz]
  • v.即席演说;即兴演奏;当场作成=extemporise(英).
extemporization extemporized extemporized extemporizing extemporizes
  • EXT abbr.扩展(=extension)abbr.外面的;外部的(=exterior)abbr.额外的(=extra)
  • ext. abbr.扩展(=extension)abbr.外面的;外部的(=exterior)abbr.额外的(=extra)
  • Extacol 苯丙醇氨酯,氨甲酸苯丙酯,强筋松,强肌松[安定药,肌松药]
  • Extaction 萃取
  • extant adj.现存的
  1. manage in a makeshift way; do with whatever is at hand;

    "after the hurricane destroyed our house, we had to improvise for weeks"

  2. perform without preparation;

    "he extemporized a speech at the wedding"

    1. He had to extemporize because he had forgotten to bring his notes.
