
英[faɪt] 美[faɪt]
  • n.战斗;打架;斗志vt.打架;对抗vi.奋斗;斗争;争吵
fightable fightingly fightability fought fought fighting fights
  • fig n.[植]无花果;无花果树;无价值的东西;少许n.服装
  • fig-leaf n.无花果树叶
  • fig-tree n.榕树;无花果树
  • fig. n.[植]无花果;无花果树;无价值的东西;少许n.服装
  • Figaia 菲加亚
    n. (名词)
    1. 战斗,战斗力
    2. 打架,大打出手,打斗
    3. 斗志
    4. 搏斗,格斗
    5. 争吵,争论,吵架
    6. 斗争,斗争性
    7. 拳击赛,斗拳
    8. 竞争,竞赛
    9. 冲突
    10. 比赛
    11. 直到最后才能决出胜负的斗争
    v. (动词)
    1. 打架,(与…)搏斗,打斗
    2. 奋斗
    3. (与…)打仗,(与...)作战,(与...)斗争,(与…)战斗
    4. 争吵,吵架
    5. 进行
    6. (努力)争取,争夺
    7. (使)斗,打
    8. (极力)反对
    9. 参加(竞赛)
    10. 为…而斗争
    11. 竞争
    12. 拳击(尤指当职业拳击手)
    13. 指挥战斗
    14. 操纵(船只)与风暴搏斗
    15. 企图战胜
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. & vi. 战斗,斗争 use physical violence against sb in a battle
    2. vt. & vi. 打架,吵架 beat on sb each other; quarrel
    n. (名词)
    1. [C]打架,吵架 quarrel
    2. [C]战斗,斗争 an act of fighting between two peoples, group, countries, etc.
    3. [U]斗志 the power or desire to fight


  1. a hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war;

    "Grant won a decisive victory in the battle of Chickamauga"
    "he lost his romantic ideas about war when he got into a real engagement"

  2. the act of fighting; any contest or struggle;

    "a fight broke out at the hockey game"
    "there was fighting in the streets"
    "the unhappy couple got into a terrible scrap"

  3. an aggressive willingness to compete;

    "the team was full of fight"

  4. an intense verbal dispute;

    "a violent fight over the bill is expected in the Senate"

  5. a boxing or wrestling match;

    "the fight was on television last night"

  1. be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight;

    "the tribesmen fought each other"
    "Siblings are always fighting"
    "Militant groups are contending for control of the country"

  2. fight against or resist strongly;

    "The senator said he would oppose the bill"
    "Don't fight it!"

  3. make a strenuous or labored effort;

    "She struggled for years to survive without welfare"
    "He fought for breath"

  4. exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for;

    "The liberal party pushed for reforms"
    "She is crusading for women's rights"
    "The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. After spiritual purification, he meets the demon in a thrilling fight.
    2. Armed with raincoat and flashlight, he joined in the fight against the flood.
    3. Did you hear that there was a fight down in the local on Wednesday?
    4. All the fight seemed to go out of him.
    5. The news of defeat took all the fight out of us.
    用作及物动词 (vt.)
    1. The boxer has fought many opponents.
    2. We must band together to fight the common enemy.
      我们必须联合起来, 对抗我们共同的敌人。
    3. Melinda Gates says there is work now to bring a new drug to India and Bangladesh to fight what is known as black fever.
    用作不及物动词 (vi.)
    1. She fought like a tiger to get what she wanted.
    2. Let us unite to fight poverty and disease.
    3. He tried to fight down his anxiety.
    4. He was always fighting with his neighbors about the noise.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作不及物动词 S+~(+A)
    1. Don't fight!You are mistaken.
    2. They always fight like cat and dog though they still love each other very much.
    3. He worked neither for fame nor fortune and always fought at his ordinary post.
    S+~+to- v
    1. I fought all night to save his life.
    2. They were fighting to preserve their freedom.
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. You can fight him, but cau you beat him?
    2. The Chinese people were fighting the Japanese invaders in many places in North China.
    3. They fought a duel.
    4. They fought the fire last night.
    5. She dedicated her life to fighting corruption.
    6. Doctors have been fighting the disease for many years.
    7. They made a detailed plan to fight the drought.
    8. Although they were cripples, they fought the way up the hill.
    9. They fought a decisive battle〔fight, war〕.
    10. We have fought scores of battles in order to win victory.
    11. He fought his bravest (war).
    12. 1
    13. Battle after battle was fought, finally the invaders were driven out of the country.
    14. Many fierce battles were fought outside of the city.
    15. The famous battle was fought here in 1948.
    其他 v -ing as Attrib.
    1. The purpose of criticism is to increase the Party's fighting capacity.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. In his anger he hit the man and a fight ensued.
    2. He precipitated himself into fight.
    3. My brother was drawn into a fight outside the hotel.
    4. He could never pass a street fight without pitching in.
    5. The boy justified himself by saying he did not begin the fight.
    6. The fight between the boys had become so fierce that the teacher had to come out to pour oil on troubled waters.
    7. After a brave fight, he finally had to chuck in the towel.
    8. The fight would probably never have begun if one of the boys had not been edged on by a couple of bystanders.
    9. Our team put up a good fight, but were beaten in the end.
    10. The fighter accepted money to keep himself back from winning the fight.
    11. You haven't been in a fight, have you?
    12. They are determined to persevere in the fight.
    13. The fight for peace interests all nations.
    14. He came through countless fights.
    15. I will not cease from mental fight, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand.
    16. The fight against drug abuse goes on.
    17. The news of the defeat took all the fight out of us.
v. (动词)
  1. fight的基本意思是指体力方面的争斗,尤指人与人之间的拳斗或用武器斗,也指动物之间的争斗。fight的主动权操纵在施动者手中,强调直截了当的好战行为。引申则指为达到某一目的而作出巨大努力。
  2. fight既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,也可接同源宾语,在接同源宾语时,如其前有形容词最高级,其同源宾语可省略。用作不及物动词时,常与 against , back, for, off, out等词连用。
  3. fight可用于被动结构。
  4. fight的现在分词fighting可用作形容词,在句中作定语。
n. (名词)
  1. fight是抽象名词,表示某种动作,即“打架”“吵架”,也可指“战斗”“斗争”,是可数名词。
  2. fight的另一个意思是“斗志”,不可数。
  1. fight后常跟不同的介词,如with,against等。在表示与自然灾害搏斗,如“洪水”,“火灾”等时,后面绝不可与介词against连用。

    They are fighting with their enemy.
    They are fighting against their enemy.

v. (动词)
fight against, fight with
  • 1.fight against和fight with的意思相仿,都表示“同…作战”“同…斗争 ”,其后接动作的对象,但fight against着重在困难中抵抗。例如:
  • You will have to fight against difficulties.你必须克服困难。
  • We may fight against our own feelings or desires.我们可能会克制自己的感情和欲望。
  • 2.fight with表示“用…作战”,其后多接工具。例如:
  • In former times, people used to fight with swords.早些时候,人们用剑进行格斗。
  • fight for, fight over
  • 两者意思并不完全相同。其区别在于:
  • 1.fight for的意思是“为…作战”,后接动作的目的。例如:
  • They fought for independence.他们为独立而战。
  • He was away for three years fighting for his country.为了保卫祖国,他离家去打了三年仗。
  • 2.fight over的意思是“为…而争吵”。例如:
  • He and his wife are always fighting over who will do the housework.他们夫妻俩经常为谁应做家务而互相争吵。
  • fight, contend, cope
  • 这组词的共同意思是“争斗”。其区别在于:
  • 1.contend表示与某人对峙或对立的争斗,侧重指压倒对方的欲望或所作出的努力; cope指均等之势的抗衡、对抗,也可指面临灾难、困难或变故等; fight指精神方面的战斗及用拳头或用武器进行打斗,强调体力和勇气。
  • 2.contend和cope多用作不及物动词,后常接介词with; 而fight除可用作动词外,也可用作名词。
  • fight, quarrel, row
  • 这三个词的共同意思是“争吵”。它们的区别是:
  • 1.quarrel一般指因意见不一致而发生“争吵”; fight常指因某件事而发生冲突。例如:
  • The quarrel originates in a misunderstanding.此口角由误会引起。
  • The police broke up the fight.警察阻止了斗殴。
  • 2.quarrel通常是口角之争; 而fight则是口、拳或脚交加,更常指“打仗”。例如:
  • He felt obliged to leave after such an unpleasant quarrel.在如此不愉快的争吵之后,他被迫离去。
  • Have you been fighting with your brother again?你又跟弟弟打架了吧?
  • We must arouse them to fight for their own emancipation.我们必须唤起他们为其自身的解放而斗争。
  • 3.row主要用于打架、示威,强调公开化。
  • fight, struggle
  • 这两个词都有“斗争”的意思。其区别在于:fight的含义具体,也可指为某一目标而斗争,但多指真刀真枪地搏斗; struggle的含义抽象,指在逆境中拼搏,以期达到某种目的。例如:
  • We must struggle difficulties.我们必须与困难作斗争。
  • Martin struggled in the dark, without advice, without encouragement.马丁在黑暗中挣扎,没有人给他出主意,没有人给他鼓励。
  • 下面的句子有两种意思:
  • Britain fought with France.
  • 英国和法国联合在一起(反对第三国)。
  • 英国同法国打仗。
  • 下面四句意思相同:
  • X fought Y.
  • X fought against Y.
  • X fought with Y.
  • X and Y fought each other X和Y作斗争。
  • 下面两句意思不同。试比较:
  • Mond and Joe fought together yesterday.
  • 蒙德和乔昨天打起来了。
  • Mond and Joe fought together against a thief yesterday.
  • 蒙德和乔昨天一起斗小偷。
  • n. (名词)
    fight, battle, combat, conflict, encounter, war
  • 这组词的共同意思是“战斗”。其区别是:
  • 1.battle指两支强大的军队在某一地点进行的长时间的、大规模的战役,也可比喻表示“奋斗”“努力”等意思; war是指国与国之间或国内不同派别之间的公开的大规模战争; fight指两个人或两个组织之间的战争,尤指短兵相接的肉搏厮杀,也可指精神方面的激烈斗争或动物之间的争斗; encounter多指偶然相遇所引起的短时间的冲突或交战,是敌对双方在无计划、无准备的情况下所进行的遭遇战,也可用来指非偶发性的交战; combat泛指军事行动,尤指较小规模的战斗,多指人与人之间的战争,也可指动物之间的争斗; conflict可指实际战争,但更多地指精神方面的冲突和斗争。
  • 2.war包含有多次的battle; fight是普通用语; combat与fight相比,含义较抽象笼统,但与conflict相比却较具体; conflict概念较fight更抽象,语体也较正式。
  • battle,war,campaign,struggle,warfare,fight,combat,engagement
  • 这些名词均有“战斗,战争”之意。
  • battle侧重指战争中的一次较全面、时间较长的战斗,也指陆军或海军在某一特定地区进行的战斗,或个人之间的争斗。
  • war是战争的总称,一般指包括多个战役的大规模战争。
  • campaign通常指在一场大的战争中在某一地区进行的一连串有既定目的的军事行动。也可作引申用。
  • struggle指激烈或时间持续长的战斗或奋力斗争。
  • warfare侧重指战争状态或具体的作战方法。
  • fight最普通用词,含义广,指战斗、斗争或打斗。
  • combat泛指军事行动,尤指小规模的战斗,甚至是格斗。
  • engagement指交战,交火。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    fight about (v.+adv.)
      争夺; 争吵 quarrel over; compete for sth
      fight about

      He and his wife are always fighting about who will take the car.


    fight against (v.+prep.)
      与…作斗争〔争吵〕; 反对… oppose sb/a nation in a battle or quarrel; oppose sth
      fight against sb/sth/v-ing

      Try to stop the children form fighting against each other.


      We fought against odds.


      Britain fought against the US in the War of Independence.


      The habitants tried to fight against being moved to another city, but it was no use.


    fight back (v.+adv.)
      恢复 struggle to return (to a former condition)
      fight back

      They fought back heroically.


      Don't let them bully you, fight back!


      As I fought back, he drew his sword and thrust it at me.


      fight sb ⇔ back

      The aggressors were fiercely fought back.


      fight sth ⇔ back

      Little Hans couldn't fight back his desire for the chocolate cake and ate a small piece before it was served.


      When you begin to give up smoking, you have to fight back your craving for cigarettes.


      Her tears were fought back on such an occasion.


      fight back to sth

      Everything seemed to be against me,But I fought back to my old position of strength.


      fight one's way back to sth

      After several reverses, they fought their way back to their old seats on the Board.


    fight down (v.+adv.)
      控〔抑〕制,克服 struggle to control sth
      fight sth ⇔ down

      The firemen fought the flames down at last.


      It's difficult to fight down a desire to sleep.


      She fought down her excitement and went on with her work.


      You have made a great mistake and you will have to fight it down.


    fight for (v.+prep.)
      为…而战斗〔竞争〕 fight to defend; compete with sb/sth to get sth/sb
      fight for sb/sth

      They fought for their country.


      He called on workers to fight for their rights.


      Abraham Lincoln called on his people to fight for freedom for all—Negroes and Whites.


      Every year I have to fight for an increase in pay.


    fight off (v.+adv.)
      竭力摆脱〔驱走、阻止、回避…〕 keep sth away with an effort; struggle to prevent (sth unwanted); avoid (sb unwanted)
    fight on1 (v.+adv.)
      继续战斗 continue fighting
      fight on

      We must fight on until the end.


    fight on2 (v.+prep.)
      在(某方面)反对(某人) oppose sb about a matter
      fight sb on sth

      I'll fight you on that question.


    fight out (v.+adv.)
      努力离开… struggle to leave
    fight it out (v.+pron.+adv.)
      争论,争辩; 竞争 fight or argue until one of them wins
    fight over (v.+prep.)
      争夺; 争吵 quarrel over; compete for sth
      fight over sb/sth

      It's quite an honour to have two men fighting over me.


      The birds in the garden are fighting over a piece of bread.


    fight shy of (v.+adj.+prep.)
      害怕… fear about sb/sth
    fight through1 (v.+adv.)
      努力得到赞同 struggle to gain approval of sth
      fight through

      The two opposing armies fought through to the end.


      fight sth ⇔ through

      We must fight this battle through to victory.


      fight sth ⇔ through

      The committee member had difficulty in fighting his suggestion through.


    fight through2 (v.+prep.)
      力排众议 (cause to) pass with a struggle through sth
      fight through sb

      I could only get out by fighting through the crowd.


      fight one's way through sth

      The traveller had to fight his way through the tropical forest with an axe.


      We fought our way through the crowds to try to catch a glimpse of the parade.


      fight sth through sth

      Opposing members of the committee fought the suggested changes through every stage.


      fight through sth

      You'll have to fight through a lot of opposition to get the rules changed.


      fight sth through sth

      The committee member successfully fought his suggested changes through the necessary stages.


    fight together (v.+adv.)
      相互争斗 fight together against sb, as enemies
    fight with (v.+prep.)
      联盟作战 fight with help of
      fight with sth

      Now, we fight with guns.


      They fought with bows and arrows.


      fight sb/sth with sth

      The man fought his attacker with a stick.


      We can fight evil with good.


      fight with sb

      Try to stop the children from fighting with each other.


      Have you been fighting with your brother again?


      They had to fight with a force twice their number.


      fight with sb

      In World War Two, the Americans fought with the Britain and French against the Germans.


    用作名词 (n.)
    pick a fight with
      和…吵〔打〕架; 向某人挑衅 bring about a quarrel intentionally; provoke an incident
    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+名词 ~+副词 ~+副词 ~+介词
    用作名词 (n.)
    动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ ~+介词