fly off the handle

英 美
  • 勃然大怒
  • fly v.飞;坐飞机;驾驶;逃跑;悬挂n.苍蝇;飞行;两翼昆虫
  • handle v.处理;对待;操作;触;买卖n.把手;柄
  • off adv.表示状态的关闭或离开prep.离开;在...之外adj.空闲的;离开的;关闭的v.离开;脱下
  • the art.那;这;这些;那些adv.(用于比较级前)更加;用于最高级前;(用于形容词、副词比较级前)越...越...
  1. get very angry and fly into a rage;

    "The professor combusted when the student didn't know the answer to a very elementary question"
    "Spam makes me go ballistic"

    1. He flew into a temper when he heard the news.
    2. Randy was furious about the nasty letter.
