
英['fɔːmjələ] 美['fɔːrmjələ]
  • n.配方;公式;规则;代乳品adj.方程式的;(赛车的)级的
formulaic formulaically formulas
    n. (名词)
    1. 处方,配方,药方
    2. 方案,方法
    3. 方程式(按发动机大小等对赛车的分级)
    4. 惯用语句,套话,惯用词语
    5. 【化】分子式
    6. 【数】公式,计算式
    7. 配方奶(母乳的替代品)
    8. 准则
    9. 惯例,常规
    n. (名词)
    1. [C]准则,原则 rule; principle
    2. [C]公式,方程式 a general law, fact, etc. expressed shortly by means of a group of signs, numbers, etc.
    3. [C]配方 a list of the substances used in making sth including a description of how they are to be mixed


  1. a group of symbols that make a mathematical statement

  2. directions for making something

  3. a conventionalized statement expressing some fundamental principle

  4. a representation of a substance using symbols for its constituent elements

  5. something regarded as a normative example;

    "the convention of not naming the main character"
    "violence is the rule not the exception"
    "his formula for impressing visitors"

  6. a liquid food for infants

  7. (mathematics) a standard procedure for solving a class of mathematical problems;

    "he determined the upper bound with Descartes' rule of signs"
    "he gave us a general formula for attacking polynomials"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. They are working on the perfection of their new paint formula.
    2. What is the formula for water?
    3. Within the braces, you can include any formula.
    4. It's the formula for converting gallons into liters.
    5. There is no sure formula for success.
    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. His outwardly relaxed manner hides a sharp mind and a keen will to win, something he did a lot of on the nursery slopes of Formula BMW.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. His father is acting on his formula.
    2. The chemical formula for water is H2O.
    3. Someone has stolen the secret formula for the liquid that fires our new spaceship.
    4. They are trying to work out an acceptable formula.
用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 形容词+~ ~+介词