
英[faʊl] 美[faʊl]
  • adj.恶臭的;邪恶的;污秽的;恶劣的;犯规的n.犯规v.弄脏;妨碍;犯规
foully fouler foulest foulness fouled fouled fouling fouls
  • afoul adj.相冲突的adv.相冲突地
  • go v.去;离开;变得;进行n.去;尝试;精力;一举
  • of prep.关于;...的(表所属);出身于;由于
    adj. (形容词)
    1. (天气等)恶劣的
    2. 恶臭的,难闻的,有恶臭的
    3. 肮脏的,污浊的
    4. 犯规的
    5. 邪恶的,可恶的
    6. 腐败的,腐烂的
    7. (风)逆的
    8. 堵塞的,淤塞的
    9. 被缠住的
    10. 下流的,恶语咒骂的
    11. 粘满海藻、贝壳的
    n. (名词)
    1. 犯规
    2. 脏东西,污物
    3. 逆境
    4. 碰撞
    5. 缠结,纠缠
    6. 不正当的事情
    7. 冲突
    v. (动词)
    1. 缠结,缠住,纠结,纠缠
    2. 玷污,弄脏,污染
    3. (使)堵塞,(使)壅塞
    4. 腐败,腐烂
    5. 使纠缠
    6. 阻碍,妨害
    7. 船只相撞,(使)碰撞
    8. 大量出错
    9. 搞糟,弄乱,把…搞糟
    10. 使污秽
    11. 【体】(对…)犯规,犯规
    12. 污蔑,使丧失名誉,玷污
    13. 变脏;变腐烂
    14. 【棒球】把(投球)击出界外
    adv. (副词)
    1. 不正当地,不光明正大地
    2. 违反规则地,犯规地
    3. 碰撞地
    4. 争执不和地
    5. 【棒球】击球出界地
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 难闻的,发臭的 having a bad smell or taste
    2. 令人不愉快的,糟透了的 unpleasant; awful
    3. 污浊的,肮脏的 very dirty; unclean
    4. 下流的,辱骂性的 full of curses
    5. 恶劣的; 有暴风雨的 (of weather) rough; stormy
    6. 邪恶的,罪恶的 evil; wicked
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. 使污秽; 弄脏 make foul or dirty
    2. vt. & vi. 纠缠; 纠结 collide; make sb/sth entangled
    3. vt. & vi. 〈体〉(对…)犯规 commit a foul against
    n. (名词)
    1. [C]犯规 (in sport) an act that is against the rules


  1. an act that violates the rules of a sport

  1. highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust;

    "a disgusting smell"
    "distasteful language"
    "a loathsome disease"
    "the idea of eating meat is repellent to me"
    "revolting food"
    "a wicked stench"

  2. offensively malodorous;

    "a foul odor"
    "the kitchen smelled really funky"

  3. violating accepted standards or rules;

    "a dirty fighter"
    "used foul means to gain power"
    "a nasty unsporting serve"
    "fined for unsportsmanlike behavior"

  4. (of a baseball) not hit between the foul lines

  5. (of a manuscript) defaced with changes;

    "foul (or dirty) copy"

  6. characterized by obscenity;

    "had a filthy mouth"
    "foul language"
    "smutty jokes"

  7. disgustingly dirty; filled or smeared with offensive matter;

    "as filthy as a pigsty"
    "a foul pond"
    "a nasty pigsty of a room"

  8. especially of a ship's lines etc;

    "with its sails afoul"
    "a foul anchor"

  1. hit a foul ball

  2. make impure;

    "The industrial wastes polluted the lake"

  3. become or cause to become obstructed;

    "The leaves clog our drains in the Fall"
    "The water pipe is backed up"

  4. commit a foul; break the rules

  5. spot, stain, or pollute;

    "The townspeople defiled the river by emptying raw sewage into it"

  6. make unclean;

    "foul the water"

  7. become soiled and dirty

    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. He opened the window to let out the foul air.
    2. The foul weather spoiled our vacation.
    3. She has a foul temper.
    4. The ball was foul.
    5. He was booked by the referee for foul play.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The forward made a foul in the penalty area.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. Owners who allow their dogs to foul the footpath will be fined.
    2. Everything was just fine until Fred came along and fouled things up.
    3. He fouled the same player again in the second half.
    用作形容词 (adj.)
    用作定语 ~+ n.
    1. The house was filled with foul odor.
    2. I've had a foul morning; everything's gone wrong.
    3. Take off those foul clothes and let me wash them.
    4. Many were shocked by his foul language.
    5. What a foul day it is!
    6. Murder is a foul deed.
    7. She has a foul temper, that's why she has so few friends.
    用作表语 S+be+~
    1. This place is very foul.
    S+be+~+ prep. -phrase
    1. He fell foul of his employer and lost his job.
    2. The floor was foul with the dirt of weeks.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作不及物动词 S+~(+A)
    1. One pipe has fouled, and the water won't go down.
    2. Our boat fouls on leaving harbor.
    3. The footballer tried to foul.
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. The smoke fouled the air.
    2. The rope fouled the anchor chain.
    3. He was sent off for fouling the other team's goalkeeper.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. He was cautioned for a foul on another football player.
    2. The player was sent off the field because of fouls.
v. (动词)
  1. foul用作动词的基本意思是“使污秽,弄脏”,指被具有极大危害性或非常令人厌恶的事物所污染或玷污,强调使污秽,使下流,可用于具体的东西,也可用于抽象事物。引申可指“纠缠”“纠结在一起”,在体育用语中则指“犯规”。
adj. (形容词)
foul, dirty, filthy, nasty
  • 这组词都可表示“脏的”“恶心的”。其区别是:
  • dirty是最普通用词,意思是“肮脏的”; filthy比dirty强烈一些,表示“令人厌恶的”; foul是这几个词中语气最强烈的词,形容人时表示“令人作呕地讨厌”,形容物时表示“恶臭的”“很肮脏的”“味道难闻的”; nasty指“极其令人厌恶的”,常用来修饰人,表示“爱挑剔的”“令人厌恶的”。例如:
  • My coat is dirty.我的上衣很脏。
  • I ought to sell maximum out like that,I would be utterly filthy.我应把它们大部分卖掉,我太讨厌它们了。
  • The air in this room is foul, open the window.这屋里的空气令人作呕,把窗户打开。
  • He is a nasty man, don't talk with him.他是一个令人厌恶的人,不要和他说话。
  • dirty,foul,nasty
  • 这些形容词均有“脏的,污秽的”之意。
  • dirty普通用词,泛指被玷污或弄脏。
  • foul指由于腐烂、恶臭等造成的不干净,令人恶心。
  • nasty主要指特别讲究清洁的人感到讨厌的东西。
  • 用作形容词 (adj.)
    by fair means or foul
      千方百计,不择手段somehow or other; whether by good or evil methods
    fall〔run〕 foul of
      与…冲突〔不一致〕have a confrontation or disagreement with sb/sth
    用作动词 (v.)
    foul by (v.+prep.)
      〈体〉(对…)犯规 commit a foul (against)
    foul out (v.+adv.)
      〈非正〉被罚下场 take no further part in play because of an action against the rules
      foul out

      Two of our players have fouled out.


    foul up (v.+adv.)
      犯错; 走错路,误入歧途 make a mistake; go wrong
      foul sth ⇔ up

      The birds fouled up his newly washed car.


      The whole river has been fouled up with filthy waste from factories.


      foul sth ⇔ up

      When everything is running smoothly, why must he step in and foul thing up?


      foul sth ⇔ up

      Nothing could foul up their militant spirit.


      foul sth ⇔ up

      A big truck tried to get into a small parking space and fouled up traffic.


      foul up

      Why do some people foul up and become criminals?


      Blue suit and brown socks!He had fouled up again.


    用作形容词 (adj.)
    ~+名词 ~+介词
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作名词 (n.)
    动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ 介词+~ ~+介词