
英['friː'hændɪd] 美['friː'hændɪd]
  • adj.不拘束的;大方的
  • all adj.所有的;全部的adv.完全;都;非常pron.一切;全部n.全部
  • for prep.为;因为;代表;往;支持;关于;给conj.因为
  • free adj.自由的;免费的;畅通的;没有…的;未使用的;空闲的;随意的v.释放;使自由;使摆脱;解除;使可用于(某目的)adv.免费地;自由地
  1. done by hand without mechanical aids or devices;

    "a freehand drawing"

  2. given or giving freely;

    "was a big tipper"
    "the bounteous goodness of God"
    "bountiful compliments"
    "a freehanded host"
    "a handsome allowance"
    "Saturday's child is loving and giving"
    "a liberal backer of the arts"
    "a munificent gift"
    "her fond and openhanded grandfather"