
英[fjuːɡ] 美[fjuːɡ]
  • n.[音]赋格曲;[精神病学]神游症
fugal fugally
  • fug n.室内的闷热空气v.使室内空气闷浊;呆在闷热的室内
  • fuga n.富加岛(在菲律宾;东经121º22'北纬18º54');赋格曲
  • Fugaccia n.富加奇亚
  • Fugacillin 羧苄青霉素钠[青霉素类抗生素]
  • fugacious adj.易逃逸的;瞬间的;无常的
  1. dissociative disorder in which a person forgets who they are and leaves home to creates a new life; during the fugue there is no memory of the former life; after recovering there is no memory for events during the dissociative state

  2. a dreamlike state of altered consciousness that may last for hours or days

  3. a musical form consisting of a theme repeated a fifth above or a fourth below its first statement

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. She will phrase a fugue of Bach's in these days.
    2. This compositional style is exemplified by this fugue.