
英[ɡaʊdʒ] 美[ɡaʊdʒ]
  • v.用圆凿子挖;挖出;欺骗n.圆凿;凿;凿孔;欺诈
gouger gouged gouged gouging gouges
  1. an impression in a surface (as made by a blow)

  2. and edge tool with a blade like a trough for cutting channels or grooves

  3. the act of gouging

  1. force with the thumb;

    "gouge out his eyes"

  2. obtain by coercion or intimidation;

    "They extorted money from the executive by threatening to reveal his past to the company boss"
    "They squeezed money from the owner of the business by threatening him"

  3. make a groove in

    用作动词 (v.)
    1. A maniac had gouged several holes in the priceless painting.
    2. To make a Halloween lantern, you first have to gouge out the inside of the pumpkin.
      要做一个万圣节灯笼, 你先得挖空这个南瓜。