
英[ɡrɑːsp] 美[ɡræsp]
  • n.把握;领会;抓紧vt.领会;抓住;紧握
grasped grasped grasping grasps
  • graser n.[物]γ射线激光器
  • laser n.激光;镭射
  • nuclear adj.原子核的;原子能的;核心的
  • or conj.或者;还是;否则prep.在...之前
  • pumped adj.兴奋的;激动的动词pump的过去式和过去分词形式.
    n. (名词)
    1. 控制,统治
    2. 理解,领会
    3. 支配
    4. 紧握,抓,紧抓
    5. 把握
    6. 柄,把手,把
    7. 理解力
    8. 能力所及的限度,能力所及
    9. 范围
    10. 控制力,权利
    11. 格拉斯普,英国伽玛射线天文卫星
    12. “抓紧”(美国制造的打捞船)
    v. (动词)
    1. 抓,伸手拿,想抓住
    2. 明白,领会,知道,懂得,醒悟,理解
    3. 抓牢,握紧,抱住,抓紧,夹牢
    4. 急忙抓住(机会),抓住机会,毫不犹豫地抓住(机会)
    5. 果断地处理棘手问题
    6. 尽力抓住某物
    7. 夺取,攫取
    8. 急于接受,热切地接受(与at连用)
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. 抓住,抓紧 seize (sb/sth) firmly with hand, etc.; take advantage of (sth)
    2. vt. 理解,领悟 understand (sth) fully
    n. (名词)
    1. [S]抓住; 理解 hold; understanding


  1. understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something;

    "he has a good grasp of accounting practices"

  2. the limit of capability;

    "within the compass of education"

  3. an intellectual hold or understanding;

    "a good grip on French history"
    "they kept a firm grip on the two top priorities"
    "he was in the grip of a powerful emotion"
    "a terrible power had her in its grasp"

  4. the act of grasping;

    "he released his clasp on my arm"
    "he has a strong grip for an old man"
    "she kept a firm hold on the railing"

  1. hold firmly

  2. get the meaning of something;

    "Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. She has a good grasp of the English language.
    2. She has a comprehensive grasp of the subject.
    3. I kept her hands in my grasp.
    用作及物动词 (vt.)
    1. I grasped the main point of the speech.
    2. Few, if any, Americans grasp the significance of what have been accomplished
    3. You must grasp this opportunity.
    4. If you grasp this rope, I will pull you up.
    5. The bag was wrenched from her grasp.
    6. Jean Valjean remained inert beneath Javert's grasp, like a lion submitting to the claws of a lynx.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. He grasped my arm.
    2. I could not grasp her meaning.
    1. He wondered whether his friends grasped that he had done his best.
    1. She could not grasp why I could not help him.
    2. She didn't seem to have grasped what the reply meant.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. I kept her hand in my grasp.
    2. He seems to have a good grasp of the question.
v. (动词)
grasp, catch, grip, hold
  • 这组词的共同意思是“掌握”。其区别是:
  • hold含义最广,指抓牢或掌握具体或抽象的事物; grip指全力紧抓事物; grasp常指对抽象理论、原理的领悟或理解; catch指拼命抓牢不放,唯恐其滑掉或丢失,比其他三个词更强调控制。例如:
  • Hold the reins tight.把缰绳抓紧。
  • I threw the ball, and the dog caught it in his mouth.我把球抛出,狗用嘴接住了球。
  • I think I grasped the main points of the speech.我想我已经领会了演说的要点。
  • She gripped my hand in fear.她因害怕而紧握住我的手。
  • grasp, clutch, grab, seize, snatch, take
  • 这组词都可表示“伸出手或臂去抓住某物”。其区别在于:take仅指抓住具体的东西; clutch强调匆匆忙忙、紧急、迫不及待,因而抓住的可能性较小,引申可用于思想上或情感上的把握; grab常含有庸俗和不关心他人或无视公共准则的意思; grasp的基本意思是指用手、牙齿、爪等紧紧抓住某人或某物,引申指能充分理解难以理解的东西; seize通常指突然地、有力地抓住,引申用于无形的东西时,往往强调该物在快速掠过或难以捉摸,或强调有力地、出人意料地夺取,或强调理解了难以理解或难以分析的事物; snatch强调不为人知、救人及时或动作粗暴,引申指偶然地或无准备地抓住能抓住的东西。例如:
  • She clutched at my arm as she fell.她跌倒时想要抓住我的胳臂。
  • He grabbed the coin and ran off.他抓起硬币就跑了。
  • I grasped the man by the arm.我抓住了那人的手臂。
  • He seized the gun from the robber.他从强盗手里夺过了枪。
  • The letter was snatched out of my hand before I could read it.那封信我还没来得及看就被别人从我手里拿走了。
  • take,grasp,grab,grip,clasp,clutch,snatch,seize
  • 这些动词均有“抓住,握紧”之意。
  • take最普通用词,不带感情色彩。指用手抓、取某东西或控制某物。
  • grasp指紧紧抓住、抓牢。
  • grab指粗暴而急迫的抓住。
  • grip语气比grasp强,指用手的最大力量紧紧抓住。
  • clasp指用手紧握或用臂紧抱。
  • clutch强调匆忙、紧急地抓、抓紧。
  • snatch指突然抢走,侧重动作更快或更具暴力性质。
  • seize指突然抓住某物,强调突然的猛烈动作。
  • understand,comprehend,appreciate,apprehend,grasp
  • 这些动词均有“理解”之意。
  • understand一般用词,很常用,指对事实或意义知道得很清楚。
  • comprehend较正式用词,指对较复杂的事物能透彻理解其意义。
  • appreciate欣赏,指对某事物或意义有正确的认识,对其价值的肯定。
  • apprehend指知道某事物或某观念的大概意义,但未能理解其内涵意义,暗含一知半解意味。
  • grasp从本义抓紧、抓住,引申作“理解、掌握”。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    grasp at( v.+prep. )
      试图抓住try to seize
      grasp at sth

      The climber grasped at the rope.


    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+副词 ~+介词
    用作名词 (n.)
    动词+~ 形容词+~ 介词+~