
英[ɡrɪd] 美[ɡrɪd]
  • n.格子;栅栏;电网;网格;赛车起跑线
  • grey adj.灰色的n.灰色vi.变成灰色=gray
  • headed adj.有头的;有标题的动词head的过去式和过去分词.
  • Parrotbill 雅雀
    n. (名词)
    1. 格子,格栅,栅栏
    2. 烤架
    3. 【无线电】栅极
    4. 橄榄球;橄榄球场
    5. 铁丝网
    6. 铅板
    7. 【电】极板网栅
    8. 铁道网
    9. 【电】电力网,高压输电网
    10. 电(视)台网
    11. 【数】网格,格子
    12. 系统网络
    13. 煤气输送网
    14. 【计】 网格


  1. a pattern of regularly spaced horizontal and vertical lines

  2. a system of high tension cables by which electrical power is distributed throughout a region

  3. a perforated or corrugated metal plate used in a storage battery as a conductor and support for the active material

  4. an electrode placed between the cathode and anode of a vacuum tube to control the flow of electrons through the tube

  5. a cooking utensil of parallel metal bars; used to grill fish or meat

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The cloth has a grid with square cells.
    2. We are installing a cattle grid in the bridge.
    3. The weather has also ravaged the electricity grid.