
英 美
  • n. 瓜达康纳尔岛
  • guadiana 瓜的亚纳河[欧洲西南部](源出西班牙中南部,经葡萄牙注入加的斯湾)
  • guage n.测量仪器;测量标准;(铁道的)轨距;(钢丝等的)直径;(枪管的)口径v.估计;判断;测量
  • guaiacol n.愈创木酚
  • guajira n.瓜希拉舞曲(一种古巴农民舞舞曲)
  • guam n.关岛(美国领土)
  1. a mountainous island; the largest of the Solomon Islands in the independent state that is a member of the British Commonwealth

  2. a battle in World War II in the Pacific (1942-1943); the island was occupied by the Japanese and later recaptured by American forces

1. For Americans, It'starts with Pearl Harbour and features the Normandy beaches and Guadalcanal.
对于美国人, 珍珠港则是起点,重头戏在诺曼底海滩和瓜岛上演.


    用作名词 (n.)
    1. He had a Silver Star from Guadalcanal and a Navy Cross from Tarawa where he commanded a battalion as a major.
