
英[ɡeɪdʒ] 美[ɡeɪdʒ]
  • n. 测量仪器;测量标准;(铁道的)轨距;(钢丝等的)直径;(枪管的)口径
  • v. 估计;判断;测量
gaugeable gauged/gaged gauged/gaged gauging/gaging gauges/gages
  • guage n.测量仪器;测量标准;(铁道的)轨距;(钢丝等的)直径;(枪管的)口径v.估计;判断;测量
  • guaiacol n.愈创木酚
  • guajira n.瓜希拉舞曲(一种古巴农民舞舞曲)
  • guam n.关岛(美国领土)
  • guan n.冠雉(产于中美、南美;形如火鸡)
    n. (名词)
    1. 厚度
    2. 轨距,轮距
    3. 直径,口径
    4. 容量
    5. 范围
    6. 测量仪器,计量器
    7. 估计方法
    8. 标准
    9. 规格,标准尺寸,标准规格
    10. 规,表,计
    11. 大小,程度
    12. 【航海学】(船只对风或其他船只的)相对位置,船(对于风及其他船)的关系位置的估计
    13. 【建筑】(铺于屋顶上的石板瓦、木瓦、瓦等的)露出部分,葺脚
    14. 【印】规矩,测规
    15. (木工用的)墨线戽
    v. (动词)
    1. 估计,估价,估算,判断
    2. 量,测,测出,测量,计量
    3. 给…定规格,使成标准尺寸
    4. 使合标准
    5. 校准,调整,修正
    6. 确定,测定,判定,精确计量
    7. 凿或琢磨使其成预期的形状
    8. 划分,区分;描绘轮廓
    n. (名词)
    1. [C]厚度,直径 the thickness of wire or certain metal objects, or the width of the barrel of a gun
    2. [C]测量仪表 instrument for measuring the amount or level of sth
    3. [C]规格,尺度 a standard measure of weight, size, etc., to objects can be compared
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. 计量,度量 measure by means of a gauge
    2. vt. 估计,判断 make a judgment about


  1. a measuring instrument for measuring and indicating a quantity such as the thickness of wire or the amount of rain etc.

  2. accepted or approved instance or example of a quantity or quality against which others are judged or measured or compared

  3. the distance between the rails of a railway or between the wheels of a train

  4. the thickness of wire

  5. diameter of a tube or gun barrel

  1. judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time);

    "I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds"

  2. rub to a uniform size;

    "gauge bricks"

  3. determine the capacity, volume, or contents of by measurement and calculation;

    "gauge the wine barrels"

  4. measure precisely and against a standard;

    "the wire is gauged"

  5. adapt to a specified measurement;

    "gauge the instruments"

  6. mix in specific proportions;

    "gauge plaster"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The fuel gauges dropped swiftly.
    2. What gauge of wire should we use for this job?
    3. This is a narrow-gauge railway.
    4. We must gauge the diameter of wire first.
    5. The gauge of the barrel was about 2 inches wide.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. It was difficult to gauge how people would respond.
    2. I'll try to put out some feelers to gauge people's reactions to our proposal.
    3. We must gauge the diameter of wire first.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. What gauge of wire should we use for this job?
    2. The fuel gauges dropped swiftly.
    3. What gauge of wire do you require?
    4. Is a person's behavior under stress a reliable gauge of his character?
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. The device can gauge the speed.
    2. A thermometer gauges the temperature.
    3. It's difficult to gauge one's character.
    1. I gauged that it was not a good moment to speak to her.
    2. Can you gauge what her reaction is likely to be?
n. (名词)
  1. gauge用作名词的基本意思是“厚度,宽度,直径”“轨距”,也可指“测量仪表,量规”,如雨量计、钢丝直径测量仪等,还可指“规格,尺度”,引申可表示用以估计或判断的标准或事实。
  2. gauge在美式英语中又作gage。
  • 这些名词均含“标准”之意。
  • standard指公认为决定事物质量或人的品质的准则或原则。
  • criterion较正式用词,指判断、批评事物的标准,但不一定制成了规章。
  • measure与standard基本同义,但多用于比喻,指衡量某事物的质量准则。
  • gauge专指测量物体大小、厚度、直径等的标准规格。
  • 用作名词 (n.)
    动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ ~+介词
    用作动词 (v.)