
英[heɪl] 美[heɪl]
  • adj.(尤指老人)健壮的;矍铄的v.强拉硬拖
haler halest haleness haled haled haling hales
  • bat n.球棒;球拍n.蝙蝠v.用棒击打;拍打v.眨眼睛
  • halcyon adj.宁静的;平稳的n.翡翠鸟;传说中的太平鸟
  • horseshoe n.马蹄铁;U形物;马蹄形v.装马蹄铁
  1. a soldier of the American Revolution who was hanged as a spy by the British; his last words were supposed to have been `I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country' (1755-1776)

  2. United States astronomer who discovered that sunspots are associated with strong magnetic fields (1868-1938)

  3. prolific United States writer (1822-1909)

  1. exhibiting or restored to vigorous good health;

    "hale and hearty"
    "whole in mind and body"
    "a whole person again"

  1. to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means :

    "She forced him to take a job in the city"
    "He squeezed her for information"

  2. draw slowly or heavily;

    "haul stones"
    "haul nets"

    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. Although he is over eighty, he looks hale and healthy.
    2. Because he was tall and hale, he was chosen to join the School Guard Team.
    3. Grandfather will be 80 years old, but he is hale and hearty.
    4. Having white hair and ruddy complexion, my grandfather is hale and hearty.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. It took me half an hour to hale the heavy box down the stairs.