
英[hɔːk] 美[hɔːk]
  • n.鹰;鹰派人物、主战分子;贪婪的人;清嗓v.沿街叫卖;散布;鹰扑;放鹰行猎;清嗓
hawkish hawkishly hawkishness hawked hawked hawking hawks
  • do v.做;干n.注意事项;聚会;事情
  • much adj.许多的adv.很;非常;几乎n.许多
  • play v.玩;比赛;(在运动队中)担当;派...出场;带;踢;击(球);走(棋子);出牌;演奏;播放;扮演;假装;上演;发挥(作用);应付;处理;掠过;浮现;使轻快地活动;(喷泉)喷涌;做游戏n.游戏;戏剧;比赛;发挥作用;玩笑;间隙;闪烁;闪现
  • you pron.你;你们;(泛指)任何人
    n. (名词)
    1. 骗子
    2. 鹰,隼
    3. 贪婪的家伙,贪心汉,凶狠的人
    4. 霍克(音译名)
    5. 咳痰声;清嗓声
    6. 灰浆板
    7. 鹰派人物,主战派成员
    8. 掠夺他人的人
    9. 鹰是英国研制的一种攻击机
    v. (动词)
    1. 放鹰行猎,放鹰,用鹰打猎
    2. 叫卖,兜售,沿街叫卖
    3. 散播
    4. 大声清嗓
    5. 咳出,咳痰,咳嗽
    6. 捕捉,攫取
    7. 猝然攻击,扑击(after)
    8. 像鹰一般地袭击
    n. (名词)
    1. [C]鹰 a type of bird which catches other birds and small animals with its feet for food
    2. [C]鹰派人物,主战派人物 a person who believes in strong action or the use of force


  1. diurnal bird of prey typically having short rounded wings and a long tail

  2. an advocate of an aggressive policy on foreign relations

  3. a square board with a handle underneath; used by masons to hold or carry mortar

  1. sell or offer for sale from place to place

  2. hunt with hawks;

    "the tribes like to hawk in the desert"

  3. clear mucus or food from one's throat;

    "he cleared his throat before he started to speak"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The hawk is hovering overhead.
    2. The hawk pounced on its prey and carried it off.
    3. He is neither a dove nor a hawk, but betwixt and between.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. In a free market, retailers hawk their wares.
    2. He's always hawking gossip about.
    3. The tribes like to hawk in the desert.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. A hawk hovered in the blue sky.
    2. He is a hard-beaked hawk on defence spending.
用作名词 (n.)
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