
英[hem] 美[hem]
  • n.褶边vt.缝边;包围;约束
hemmer hemmed hemmed hemming hems
  • hem n.褶边vt.缝边;包围;约束
  • hem- (=hemo-)表示“血,半”之义
  • hem-ante 下摆式前规
  • Hem-Prep 是一种肛肠用药(含盐酸去氧肾上腺素,氧化锌)
  • hem. (=hematuria)血尿,(=hemolysis)溶血,血细胞溶解,(=hemolytic)溶血的,(=hemorrhage)出血,(=hemorrhoid)痔
    n. (名词)
    1. 褶边
    2. 卷边
    3. 哼声
    4. 贴边
    5. 哼声
    6. 折边
    7. 折缝
    8. 清嗓咳痰声
    9. 血红素
    10. 褶缝
    11. 边沿
    12. 摺缝
    13. 边沿
    14. 边缘
    15. 布的褶边
    16. 短促的咳嗽
    17. 摆脚口下脚
    18. 缀缝
    int. (感叹词)
    v. (动词)
    1. 包围
    2. 发哼声
    3. 清嗓子
    4. 说话吞吞吐吐
    5. 禁闭
    6. 给…缝边
    7. 咳嗽
    8. 围住
    9. 关进
    10. 接界
    11. 做褶边
    12. 缝边
    13. 限制
    14. 关闭
    15. 做折边
    16. 缝…的褶边
    17. 镶边
    n. (名词)
    1. [C]布的褶边;贴边 the lower edge of a piece of cloth,turned up and sewn
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. 缝…的褶边 sew a hem
    2. vt. 包围 surround;enclose


  1. the edge of a piece of cloth; especially the finished edge that has been doubled under and stitched down;

    "the hem of her dress was stained"
    "let down the hem"
    "he stitched weights into the curtain's hem"
    "it seeped along the hem of his jacket"

  2. the utterance of a sound similar to clearing the throat; intended to get attention, express hesitancy, fill a pause, hide embarrassment, warn a friend, etc.

  1. fold over and sew together to provide with a hem;

    "hem my skirt"

  2. utter `hem' or `ahem'

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The hem on her skirt needs sewing.
    2. The hem of her dress was stained.
    用作及物动词 (vt.)
    1. Can you help me to hem the skirt?
    2. The enemy troops were hemming us in.
    3. He felt hemmed in by convention.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The hem on her skirt needs sewing.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+ ~+n./pron.
    1. She hemmed her skirt.
    2. 1
    3. The soldiers were hemmed in on all sides.
v. (动词)
  1. hem通常用作及物动词,作“包围”解时常与副词in连用,且常用于被动结构。
v. (动词)
hem, circle, encompass, environ, gird, girdle, ring, surround
  • 这组词的共同含义是“围绕”。其区别是:
  • surround指成环状包围,有时也指形成某种环境或边界; environ强调永久或长期地被包围; circle强调合围成一个实在的封圈,也指环绕某物、某处运行; encompass指出于保护、尊敬或敌视等动机把某人或某地包围起来; gird指围成一道牢固或不可突破的屏障; girdle则暗示形成带状围绕; ring指围成一个圈。