high gear

英 美
  • 高速挡; 活跃的状态
  • higgle vi.讨价还价=haggle.
  • higgler n.叫卖商人;小贩
  • higgling 讨价还价,临机应变
  • higgs meson[物](假设的)希格斯介子
  • high adj.高的;高尚的;高级的;高度的;全盛的adv.高;奢侈地;音调高n.高水平;高气压;(麻醉品带来的)快感
  1. a forward gear with a gear ratio that gives the greatest vehicle velocity for a given engine speed

    1. The High Priestess is inactive, passive, allowing things to take their own path.
    2. Ningxia is in the greatly active area of Neotectonics, and the degree of soil erosion in this area is very high.