hold against

英 美
  • vt. 使 ... 影响
  • holand 奥兰;n.;荷兰
  • holandric adj.[生]限雄遗传的;全雄遗传的
  • holarctic adj.[动]全北区的
  • holc abbr.HomeOwners'LoanCorporation(美国)房主贷款公司
  • hold v.拿着;控制;容纳;握住;持有;保持;掌握;认为;举行n.握住;控制;把握;立足点;延误;影响
    用作及物动词 (vt.)
    1. They have found a way to insulate themselves against the cost of inflation.
    2. Discrimination against AIDS patients occurs in our society, not only influencing the patients but also restricting their usage of social resources.