
英 美
  • abbr. 国际计算中心(=International Computation Centre)
  • abbr. 整体元件电路,集成元件电路(=Integrated Component Circuit)
  • abbr. 国际商会,国际贸易局(=International Chamber of Commerce)
  • abbr. 协会货物保险条款(=Institute Cargo Clauses)
  • icc abbr.国际计算中心(=InternationalComputationCentre)abbr.整体元件电路,集成元件电路(=IntegratedComponentCircuit)abbr.国际商会,国际贸易局(=InternationalChamberofCommerce)abbr.协会货物保险条款(=InstituteCargoClauses)
  • ICCA n.国际大会与会议协会
  • ICCAM n.国际青少年运动委员会
  • ICCAT n.国际大西洋金枪鱼保护委员会
  • ICCB n.国际天主教儿童局
  1. a former independent federal agency that supervised and set rates for carriers that transported goods and people between states; was terminated in 1995;

    "the ICC was established in 1887 as the first federal agency"