
英['ɪndjʊəreɪt] 美['ɪndjʊˌreɪt]
  • vt.使坚固;使硬化vi.硬化;巩固起来adj.硬的
indurative indurated indurated indurating indurates
  • gauge n.测量仪器;测量标准;(铁道的)轨距;(钢丝等的)直径;(枪管的)口径v.估计;判断;测量
  • indicating adj.指示的;标志的动词indicate的现在分词.
  1. emotionally hardened;

    "a callous indifference to suffering"
    "cold-blooded and indurate to public opinion"

  1. become fixed or established;

    "indurated customs"

  2. make hard or harder;

    "The cold hardened the butter"

  3. become hard or harder;

    "The wax hardened"

  4. cause to accept or become hardened to; habituate;

    "He was inured to the cold"