
英['ɪntə'mɪt] 美['ɪntə'mɪt]
  • v.暂时停止;中断;(使)间断
intermitter intermitted intermitted intermitting intermits
  • INT abbr.(=interior)内部的abbr.(=international)国际的abbr.(=interjection)感叹词abbr.(=intelligence)智力
  • INT-PCR 聚合酶链反应
  • int-serv 综合服务
  • int. abbr.智力,情报(=intelligence)abbr.国际的(=international)abbr.兴趣(=interest)
  • int.ernational n.国际的
  1. cease an action temporarily;

    "We pause for station identification"
    "let's break for lunch"

    用作动词 (v.)
    1. Chen Jinglin ever considered to allow pluvial time intermit gets online, feel inappropriate again.
    2. The worker interrupts the job to have two kinds of kinds, the first kind, because all sorts of reasons work in the intermit inside period of time, work afresh again later.
    3. The worker interrupts the job to have two kinds of kinds, the first kind, because all sorts of reasons work in the intermit inside period of time, work afresh again later.