
英[dʒɜːk] 美[dʒɜːrk]
  • v.急动;猛拉n.猛拉;急动;笨蛋;蠢人adj.颠簸不稳的
jerkingly jerker jerked jerked jerking jerks
  • Jer n.杰
  • Jer. (=Jeremiah);Jerome;耶利米,耶利米书.n.(对未来)悲观主义者
  • Jera 耶拉
  • Jerace 耶拉切
  • Jerada n.杰拉代(在摩洛哥;西经2º13'北纬34º17')
    v. (动词)
    1. 猛推,猛撞
    2. 急促地说,急促说出,突然说出
    3. 猛然一动
    4. 把…猛地一拉
    5. 颠簸,摇晃;颠簸地行进
    6. 抽搐,痉挛
    7. 把(牛肉)切成薄片或长条晒干
    8. 为难某人,给某人出难题,为某人设置障碍
    9. 结结巴巴地说
    10. 急促而断续地说出
    11. 猛掷,急抛,急扔
    12. (在冷饮柜)配制并供应(冰淇淋、苏打水、啤酒等)
    n. (名词)
    1. 抽搐,痉挛
    2. <美俚>蠢人,笨蛋
    3. 古怪的人
    4. 肉干
    5. 猛然地一拉,急拉
    6. 颠簸,摇晃,颠簸震动
    7. 急促而猛烈的动作
    8. 【医】肌肉痉挛,四肢或脸部的抽搐
    9. 【体】举重的挺举
    10. 猛推
    11. 猝然一动,急动
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. 猛拉 pull sb/sth suddenly
    2. vt. & vi. (使…)猝然一动〔颤动〕 cause sb/sth move with a short sudden action or series of short uneven actions
    n. (名词)
    1. [C]突然的拉〔推,扭〕 sudden pull, push, twist
    2. [C](肌肉的)反射 sudden involuntary twitch of a muscle


  1. a dull stupid fatuous person

  2. an abrupt spasmodic movement

  3. (mechanics) the rate of change of acceleration

  4. meat (especially beef) cut in strips and dried in the sun

  5. raising a weight from shoulder height to above the head by straightening the arms

  6. a sudden abrupt pull

  1. pull, or move with a sudden movement;

    "He turned the handle and jerked the door open"

  2. move with abrupt, seemingly uncontrolled motions;

    "The patient's legs were jerkings"

  3. make an uncontrolled, short, jerky motion;

    "his face is twitching"

  4. jump vertically, with legs stiff and back arched;

    "the yung filly bucked"

  5. throw or toss with a quick motion;

    "flick a piece of paper across the table"
    "jerk his head"

    用作动词 (v.)
    1. The bus jerked to a stop.
    2. He jerked the string and the puppet jumped.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. He give his tooth a sharp jerk and it come out
    2. The knife was stuck but she pulled it out with a jerk.
    3. What'll I do if the boss is a jerk !
    4. But everybody else thinks he's a jerk.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作不及物动词 S+~(+A)
    1. When she heard the news, she jerked upright in surprise.
    2. The truck jerked along.
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. He jerked the string and the puppet jumped.
    2. Try not to jerk the camera when you take a photograph.
    用作宾补动词 S+~+ n./pron. + adj.
    1. The boy jerked the door open.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The knife was struck but she pulled it out with a jerk.
    2. His conscience works in jerks.
v. (动词)
jerk, tug, yank
  • 这组词都可表示“拖,拉”。其区别在于:tug常指用力地拉,时间长,但不一定使被拉的人或物移动; jerk指突然地拉、扯或猛地一拽; yank暗示动作的突然性,常用来指单独一个大动作,而非一连串的迅速小动作。
  • drag,draw,pull,haul,tug,tow,jerk
  • 这些动词都有“拖、拉”之意。
  • drag指沿斜坡而上或水平方向缓慢地拖或拉十分沉重的人或物。作借喻时可指把人硬拉过来。
  • draw指将人或物朝出力者的方向拖,不涉及力的大小,含平稳意味,常作借喻用。
  • pull最普通用词,包含本组其它各词的一些意思,可指朝各个方向拉,侧重一时或突然拉动的动作。
  • haul指用力拖或拉,不涉及方向,多作航海用词。
  • tug多指一阵阵地用力拖或拉,但不一定使被拉的人或物移动。
  • tow特指用绳子或链条等拖或拉本身无动力或无法使用自身动力的东西。
  • jerk指快而突然地拉。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    jerk out (v.+adv.)
      紧张而断断续续地说出utter sth in an abrupt nervous manner
      jerk sth ⇔ out

      She jerked out an apology to me.


    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+名词 ~+介词
    用作名词 (n.)
    形容词+~ 名词+~ 介词+~ ~+介词