kingdom come

英 美
  • n.来世;天国
  • come v.来;来到;来取、来拿;成为;达到;接近;摆出...的样子;处于(某个位置)
  • kingdom n.王国;领域;界Kingdom:天国.
  1. the next world;

    "he nearly blew us to kingdom come"

  2. the end of time;

    "you can wet the bed till kingdom come, for all I care"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Their philosophy being materialistic and hedonistic,they scoffed at any thoughts of the world to come.
    2. Those wronged on this earth cannot, on a scientific view, anticipate a sweet comeuppance for their tormentors in a life to come.
    3. Crap like Elizabethtown and The Kingdom of Heaven.
    4. They had no hope of admission to the celestial kingdom.