
英['lɔːndə(r)] 美['lɔːndər]
  • n.流水槽v.洗涤;清洗;洗黑钱(把来路可疑的钱弄得貌似合法)
launderer laundered laundered laundering launders
  • area n.面积;地区,地段;区域;领域
  • launch v.发起;推出(新产品);发射;使(船)下水n.发射;产品推介
  1. cleanse with a cleaning agent, such as soap, and water;

    "Wash the towels, please!"

  2. convert illegally obtained funds into legal ones

    用作动词 (v.)
    1. Detergent powders will however,launder less efficiently at the boil,a use for which they are not intended.
    2. North Korea's already limping economy is suffering too, as banks that once helped launder money for the communist state, for example in Macau, have frozen its accounts.