"The old man sat and stagnated on his porch"
"He slugged in bed all morning"
用作动词 (v.)
The temptation to just laze about the house is too great for some. 在家里晃晃悠悠的诱惑对某些人来说太棒了。
During the heat of the day, they laze in the shade of trees and bushes, waiting for the cool of evening to hunt. 天气炎热的白天,它们在树林和灌木丛的阴影里消磨时光,要等到气温渐凉的傍晚时分才出来狩猎。
Don't laze away your time. 不要虚度光阴。
He lazed away in the sun. 他一直懒懒散散地在太阳下闲荡。
If you don't make the best use of your time, you'll laze away your life. 如果你不抓紧时间,你的一辈子就浪费了。