
英['lɪbəti] 美['lɪbərti]
  • n.自由;自由权;冒失
  • lib n.解放运动abbr.自由的(=liberal);图书管(=library);图书管理员(=librarian)
  • Lib-Lab adj.英国自由党和工党之间的
  • Lib-Labbery n.自由党-工党联盟
  • lib. [医]磅
  • lib.rary 图书馆
    n. (名词)
    1. 自由(权)
    2. 放肆,越轨
    3. 特权,特许权
    4. 失礼,冒昧
    5. 自由活动于某地的权利
    6. 未经许可的行为
    7. 解放,释放
    8. 自由地区,特许区域
    9. 许可,准许
    10. 辖区
    11. 范围
    12. 恩典
    v. (动词)
    1. 给予自由
    n. (名词)
    1. [U]自由,自主 freedom from captivity, slavery, or oppressive control
    2. [C]〈正〉许可权 right or permission to do or use sth


  1. immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political independence

  2. freedom of choice;

    "liberty of opinion"
    "liberty of worship"
    "liberty--perfect liberty--to think or feel or do just as one pleases"
    "at liberty to choose whatever occupation one wishes"

  3. personal freedom from servitude or confinement or oppression

  4. leave granted to a sailor or naval officer

  5. an act of undue intimacy

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Those prisoners are dreaming of liberty.
    2. Everybody is at liberty to air his views.
    3. Women used to have little liberty.
    4. I am afraid that I am not at liberty to discuss this matter.
    5. Liberties are enjoyed by all citizens.
    6. I took the liberty of borrowing your lawn-mower while you were away.
    7. I took the liberty of reading the letter, even though it was addressed to you.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The tyrant's oppressed subjects cry out for their liberty.
    2. We have the liberty to say what we want.
    3. The constitute guards the liberty of people.
    4. Employees have liberty to use all the museum facilities.
    5. He granted the boy liberty to go out.
n. (名词)
liberty, freedom
  • 1.这两个词的共同意思是“自由”“自由权”。指国家、民族争取或获得自由时, liberty可以和freedom互换。例如:
  • It was the great man's destiny to lead his country to freedom〔liberty〕.这位伟人注定了要领导他的国家走向自由。
  • The majority of the people in the world have regained their liberty〔freedom〕.世界上大多数人已重新获得自由。
  • 2.freedom强调无拘束,可以充分按自己的意志办事; liberty强调个人对自己的所作所为有自由选择的权利,或者是强调从约束、奴役或压抑、控制中解放出来所获得的自由。例如:
  • The prisoner was finally given his liberty.犯人最后获得了人身自由。
  • 3.指人的基本自由如宗教信仰、言论自由等,用freedom,不用liberty。
  • 用作名词 (n.)
    at liberty
      〈正〉获许可的,有权的having permission or the right (to do sth)
    Liberty Hall
      自由自在的地方〔状态〕place or condition of complete freedom
    take liberties
      歪曲,任意篡改(文章、历史等)make unreasonable changes in (a piece of writing, history, etc.)
    take the liberty of
      擅自〔冒昧〕做某事do sth without permission
    用作名词 (n.)
    动词+~ 形容词+~ 介词+~ ~+介词