
英[mə'ʃiːn] 美[mə'ʃiːn]
  • n.机器;做事效率高的人;工具;车辆v.以机器制造
machinable machined machined machining machines
  • mac n.老兄;雨衣(=mackintosh)Macn.苹果机
  • Mac'avoy
  • Mac- pref.表示"...之子";表示"…之子"
  • Mac-Amin 吗卡明[复合营养药]
  • mac-eight 三辛酸甘油酯(改善脂肪吸收的中链脂肪酸甘油酯)
    n. (名词)
    1. 机器,机床,机械装置
    2. (投币)自动售货机
    3. 机动车,汽车,摩托车,(海滨浴场)更衣车
    4. 机动器械
    5. 机器人般工作的人,呆板的人
    6. 复杂的机构,工作体系
    7. 政党组织,领导核心,核心组织
    8. (人或动物的)身体,器官
    9. 打字机,计算机,录音机,印刷机等
    10. (古时)制造舞台效果的装置
    11. 大型油画
    12. <俚>阴茎,阴茎套,男用避孕套
    v. (动词)
    1. 用机器做
    2. <英>用缝纫机制作
    3. 用机械加工
    4. 使定型,使统一尺度,使标准化
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 机器的,机械的
    2. 机制的,机械加工的
    3. 标准化的
    4. 老一套的
    5. 核心组织的,领导核心的
    n. (名词)
    1. [C]机器,机械 an instrument or apparatus which uses power, such as electricity to perform work
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. 用机器制造,用机器加工 make or produce by machine, especially in sewing and printing; produce according to exact measurements


  1. any mechanical or electrical device that transmits or modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of human tasks

  2. an efficient person;

    "the boxer was a magnificent fighting machine"

  3. an intricate organization that accomplishes its goals efficiently;

    "the war machine"

  4. a device for overcoming resistance at one point by applying force at some other point

  5. a group that controls the activities of a political party;

    "he was endorsed by the Democratic machine"

  6. a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine;

    "he needs a car to get to work"

  1. turn, shape, mold, or otherwise finish by machinery

  2. make by machinery;

    "The Americans were machining while others still hand-made cars"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. This machine has been specially adapted for underwater use.
    2. My mother-in-law has a sewing machine.
    3. The team is a well-oiled machine right now.
    4. He criticized those who had turned politics into a money machine.
    5. That's a mean machine you've got there.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. It will take less time to machine the curtains than to sew them by hand.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The machine has been idling away for several minutes to get it warm.
    2. The machine can hammer metal very thin.
    3. They advised the peasants on how to use the machine.
    4. The worker operated the machine expertly; we admired him greatly.
    5. They aided the rich to fix the machine.
    6. I can't guess how to control the machine.
    7. How are the two halves of the machine joined together?
    8. The characteristics of the machine are fully detailed in our brochure.
    9. Please detail the characteristics of the machine.
    10. Centrifugal machines are connected to the motor drive directly instead of through a gearbox.
    11. Harvesting machines are eating their way well into many fields, in spite of the wet weather.
    12. Let me demonstrate to you how this powerful machine works.
    13. The powerful machine gummed the back of stamps.
    14. With his own body Huang Jiguang blocked the muzzle of the enemy's machine gun.
    15. When the house was built, the garden had to be levelled off with a big earth-moving machine.
    16. The new sewing machine didn't go down very well even after a month's use.
    17. I don't think this new sewing machine is everything it's cracked up to be.
      我 看这台新缝纫机不如他们吹嘘得那么好。
    18. The washing machine seems to have broken down again.
    19. The washing machine didn't measure up to the required standards.
    20. The salesman demonstrated the new washing machine.
    21. You'll have to complain to the Head Office if the washing machine stops working again .
    22. The word-processing machines increased productivity three-fold.
    23. None of the word-processing machines on display here are imported.
    24. All the word-processing machines were quickly bought up the day they were offered for sale.
    25. The calculating machines are made in China.
    26. The workers are busy dismantling the old calculating machines to make room for the installation of some new ones.
    27. That factory imported some printing machines from Germany last year.
    28. They first tried to import such printing machines from abroad, but soon found that it wouldn't work.
    29. The copying machine is named after its inventor.
    30. The copying machine is very simple to maintain.
    31. The internal affairs of any political machine do not allow of external interference.
    32. The factory has decided to farm out production of some of the machine parts to other plants.
    33. All the machine parts on a blueprint must answer each other.
    34. Data and specifications for the machine parts were often cited to demonstrate the merits and demerits of the factory's products.
    35. Now they can make all kinds of precision machine tools.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. They machined the clothes.
    2. 1
    3. The edge must be machined down to 0.03 millimetres.
      这边缘必须切割到 0.03 毫米的精确度。
n. (名词)
  1. machine的基本意思是“机器”“机械”,由各种不同部件构成,以电或其他能源为驱动力,目的在于进行重复生产以节约人力,是可数名词。
  2. machine指某种性能的机器时,其前可加修饰词,以区分其不同的功能和用途。
  3. machine还可作“组织”“机构”解,表示的是抽象意义,通常不用复数形式。
v. (动词)
  1. machine用作动词时,意思是“用机器制造”“用机器加工”,只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。
n. (名词)
machine, apparatus, implement, instrument
  • 这组词的意思并不完全相同,前两个词都有“机器”“机械装置”的意思,而后两个词更强调“仪器,工具”。
  • 1.machine指由各种不同部件构成的“机器”,为某种动力所驱动而进行重复的生产以节约人力。
  • 2.apparatus概念极为广泛,指一套由若干独立部分构成、比较复杂的“设备”或“装置”,种类繁多,大小不拘。例如:
  • This apparatus can purify a thousand gallons of water a minute.这种装置一分钟可以净化1000加仑的水。
  • The television men set up their apparatus, ready to film.电视摄影人员将他们的全套设备安装好,准备开拍。
  • 3.instrument经常指科学上或艺术上所使用的“器械,乐器”等,也可表示抽象的工具或受他人利用的工具。例如:
  • Does your sister play any instrument?你姐姐会演奏什么乐器?
  • He can play the piano, violin and several other instruments.他能演奏钢琴、小提琴以及其他几种乐器。
  • All surgical instruments must be sterilized before use.所有的外科手术器械在使用之前都必须消毒。
  • Language is an instrument for communication.语言是交际的工具。
  • A police force is an instrument for keeping law and order.警察是维护法律与秩序的工具。
  • 4.implement指完成某一项工作所需要的或使用的任何工具或装置,包括手工操作的工具和机器操作的工具。例如:
  • There are a large variety of household implements on sale in the market.市场上有大量的各式各样的日用器具出售。
  • Man's earliest implements were carved from stone and bone.人类最早的工具是由石头和骨头刻制而成的。
  • machine, machinery
  • 这两个词的共同含义是“机器”,前者指一台机器,有单复数之分; 后者是集合名词,指机器总称,不可数。例如:
  • How much machinery has been installed?已安装多少台机器了?
  • machine,machinery,mechanism,apparatus,engine,motor
  • 这些名词均有“机器、装置”之意。
  • machine普通用词,泛指一切机器。
  • machinery指机器的总称。
  • mechanism指运行系统,简单的机械装置。
  • apparatus指具有特殊用途的装置。
  • engine既可泛指或大或小、简单或复杂的机械、机器,又可指产生动力的发动机或引擎。
  • motor通常指小型或轻型马达、发动机。
  • 用作名词 (n.)
    动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ ~+名词 介词+~
    用作动词 (v.)