
英['miːljəreɪt] 美['miːljəˌreɪt]
  • v.改善;改良;变好
meliorable meliorator meliorated meliorated meliorating meliorates
  • mel abbr.多元激光(=Many-ElementLaser)abbr.主要设备清单(=MasterEquipmentList)
  • mel-
  • Mel-cepstrum 梅尔倒谱参数
  • melacacidin 黑木金合欢素,3,3',4,4',7,8-六羟基黄烷
  • Melacarne 梅拉卡尔内
  1. to make better;

    "The editor improved the manuscript with his changes"

  2. get better;

    "The weather improved toward evening"

    用作动词 (v.)
    1. And the sheet-pile can meliorate the rock and soil's stress condition, avoiding the rock and soil's plastic failure.
    2. To develop inventory financing actively is an effective approach to meliorate the financing difficulty for the small-and-medium enterprises in China.
