
英[me'nɑʒ] 美[me'nɑʒ]
  • n. 家务;家庭
  • menace n.威胁;恐吓;讨厌的人(物)v.威吓;威胁
  • menacme n.[生理]经潮期
  • menad n.酒神节女祭司;暴怒的女人;心情暴躁的女人
  • menado 万鸦老[印度尼西亚苏拉威西岛东北岸港市](音译默纳杜)
  • menage n.家务;家庭
  1. a social unit living together;

    "he moved his family to Virginia"
    "It was a good Christian household"
    "I waited until the whole house was asleep"
    "the teacher asked how many people made up his home"

1. For many, that crippling menage a trios – guilt, inhibition and shame, still lingered in the bedroom.
但是对于她们中的很多人来说, 畸形的三角关系——罪恶 、 禁忌、羞耻 —— 还是出现在她们的卧室里.
