
英[ˌmɪsəˌprəʊpri'eɪʃn] 美[ˌmɪsəˌprəʊpri'eɪʃn]
  • n.盗用;侵吞;窃占
  • mis abbr.管理信息系统(=ManagementInformationSystem)
  • mis- (=miso-)表示“坏;错误;否定”之义(用于元音之前)
  • mis--understanding 误区
  • mis-act v.行为失检;行动错误;执行不佳
  • mis-action [医]行为失检,错误行为
  1. the fraudulent appropriation of funds or property entrusted to your care but actually owned by someone else

  2. wrongful borrowing;

    "his explanation was a misappropriation of sociological theory"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Recipient agrees to notify the Discloser in writing of any misuse or misappropriation of such Confidential Information which may come to its attention.
    2. Consistent application of the law to intellectual property infringement and misappropriation cases would foster more certainty among users of the legal system.
