
英 美
  • abbr. (美国)全国卫生研究所(=National Institutes of Health)
  • nih abbr.(美国)全国卫生研究所(=NationalInstitutesofHealth)
  • nihil n.毫无价值的东西
  • nihilism n.(否认一切宗教信仰和道德观念的)虚无主义;无政府主义;(精神病学)虚无幻觉Nihilism.无政府主义运动(19世纪俄国的一次革命活动).
  • nihilist n.虚无主义者adj.虚无主义的
  • nihility n.虚无;不存在;无效
  1. an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services whose mission is to employ science in the pursuit of knowledge to improve human health; is the principal biomedical research agency of the federal government