
英[ɒd] 美[ɑːd]
  • adj.奇数的;古怪的;零散的;剩余的
oddly odder oddest oddness
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 剩余的,额外的
    2. 奇特的,古怪的,怪异的
    3. 奇数的,单数的,单号的
    4. 临时的,不固定的,非经常的,各种各样的
    5. 单只的,不成对的,零散的
    6. ...以上的,挂零的
    7. <口>少量的,微小的
    8. 【数】(函数等)奇的
    n. (名词)
    1. 【高尔夫】比对手多一击,让对手的一击
    2. 奇怪的事物,怪人
    3. 奇数的东西或人
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 奇怪的,古怪的 different from what is ordinary or expected; unusual
    2. [A]单的 separated from its pair or set
    3. 奇数的 that can not be divided exactly by two
    4. [A]临时的 not regular
    5. 余下的; 零头的 rather more than the stated number


  1. not divisible by two

  2. not easily explained;

    "it is odd that his name is never mentioned"

  3. an indefinite quantity more than that specified;

    "invited 30-odd guests"

  4. beyond or deviating from the usual or expected;

    "a curious hybrid accent"
    "her speech has a funny twang"
    "they have some funny ideas about war"
    "had an odd name"
    "the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves"
    "something definitely queer about this town"
    "what a rum fellow"
    "singular behavior"

  5. of the remaining member of a pair, of socks e.g.

  6. not used up;

    "leftover meatloaf"
    "she had a little money left over so she went to a movie"
    "some odd dollars left"
    "saved the remaining sandwiches for supper"
    "unexpended provisions"

    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. 1,3, 5 and 7 are odd numbers.
      1,3, 5 和 7 是奇数。
    2. Graphs are on even pages and tables are on odd pages.
    3. It's very odd that she didn't reply to our letter.
    4. On the way, one can watch pines in all kinds of odd shapes.
    5. It is so odd that I am move to ask her where she get it.
      那东西十分希罕, 我禁不住问她是从哪里弄来的。
    6. His formal clothes made him the odd one out in the club.
    7. He does odd jobs for me from time to time.
    用作形容词 (adj.)
    用作定语 ~+ n.
    1. He is an odd man.
    2. I had rather an odd experience the other day.
    3. I threw away the odd glove.
    4. Three is an odd number.
    5. The game can't be played by an odd number of people.
    6. He makes a living by doing odd job.
    7. Here are two-odd volumes of an encyclopedia.
    用作表语 S+be+~
    1. I don't think he is mad but he is certainly very odd.
    用作宾语补足语 S+V+O+~
    1. I thought it odd that they should both have the same opinion.
    It is/was+~+of sb+to- v
    1. It was odd of her to do that.
adj. (形容词)
  1. odd作“奇特的”“古怪的”解时,指因脱离正常而不标准或不合规律。odd作“奇数的”解时,常与不定冠词an连用。odd作“零头的”解时,和一个整数一起用,表示比这个整数多一些,并且odd用在数字后要加连字符号“-”。
adj. (形容词)
odd, peculiar, queer, strange
  • 这四个词都有“奇怪”的意思。peculiar着重“独特性”; odd强调违反正常情况,有时兼有“稀奇”的含义; queer也强调违反常规,但有更强的“可疑”和“可虑”的含义; strange为普通用词,应用范围最广,强调“生疏”和“不常见”。
  • queer,odd,funny,crazy,curious,peculiar,strange,eccentric,quaint,singular
  • 这些形容词均含有“奇怪的,奇异的,新奇的”之意。
  • queer指一种无法解释的怪诞,强调事物的奇特和不可思议。
  • odd通常指不规律、偶尔出现的人或事物,往往令人困惑或奇怪。
  • funny较通俗用词,指奇怪得滑稽可笑或反常。
  • crazy多指与众不同的行为、外表或人与物本身,含荒唐可笑或神经不正常的意味。
  • curious通常指非常特别或能引起注意、研究或探索的奇特。
  • peculiar侧重令人奇怪的或独一无二的特性,也指性格特征方面显著的与众不同之处。
  • strange普通常用词,含义广泛,指陌生新奇、奇怪、奇怪或不自然的人或物。
  • eccentric指偏离常规的怪异或怪癖。
  • quaint指古色古香,会人感到既奇怪又有趣。
  • singular通常指异常或奇特,暗含不同于一般。
  • 用作形容词 (adj.)
    ~+名词 ~+介词