
英['ɒskjʊleɪt] 美['ɒskjəˌleɪt]
  • v.接吻;[数]密切;有共通点
osculated osculated osculating osculates
  • OSC n.操作转换箱(振动;振荡器;示波器)
  • OSCA OfficeofSeniorCitizensAffairs中等城市事务办公室;abbr.;=OfficeofSeniorCitizensAffairs老年人事务局
  • oscan n.欧斯干人adj.欧斯干人的
  • oscar n.奥斯卡(男子名);奥斯卡金像奖
  • Oscarius 奥斯卡留斯
  1. be intermediate between two taxonomic groups;

    "These species osculate"

  2. have at least three points in common with;

    "one curve osculates the other"
    "these two surfaces osculate"

  3. touch with the lips or press the lips (against someone's mouth or other body part) as an expression of love, greeting, etc.;

    "The newly married couple kissed"
    "She kissed her grandfather on the forehead when she entered the room"
