
英 美
  • adj. 巴布亚岛的
  • n. 巴布亚人;巴布亚语
  • papua n.巴布亚岛;新几内亚岛
  • papuan adj.巴布亚岛的n.巴布亚人;巴布亚语
  • papula n.丘疹;面泡;长疮
  • papular adj.(多)丘疹的(多)乳突的.
  • papule n.丘疹;小突起
  1. a native or inhabitant of Papua New Guinea or New Guinea

  2. any of the indigenous languages spoken in Papua New Guinea or New Britain or the Solomon Islands that are not Malayo-Polynesian languages

  1. of or relating to Papua or its people or language;

    "Papuan native crafts"
    "Papuan vowels"