
英['pærəɡrɑːfs] 美['pærəɡrɑːfs]
  • n.名词paragraph的复数形式.
  • par n.同等;等位;常态;票面价值;[体]标准杆数adj.票面的;平常的;标准的
  • par- (=para-)表示“侧面,超越”之义(用于元音之前)
  • par-excellence adj.卓越的;出类拔萃的adv.杰出地;卓越地;出类拔萃地
  • par. n.段
  • para n.帕拉(南斯拉夫币);帕拉胶abbr.伞兵(=paratrooper)abbr.段(=paragraph)
名词 paragraph:
  1. one of several distinct subdivisions of a text intended to separate ideas; the beginning is usually marked by a new indented line

动词 paragraph:
  1. divide into paragraphs, as of text

  2. write about in a paragraph

  3. write paragraphs; work as a paragrapher

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. He chopped the short story by two paragraphs.
    2. Usually three paragraphs will be fine.