
英[peɡ] 美[peɡ]
  • n.钉;支柱;借口vt.钉木桩;扔vi.努力工作;匆忙走
pegged pegged pegging pegs
  • peg n.钉;支柱;借口vt.钉木桩;扔vi.努力工作;匆忙走
  • PEG-acrylate 聚乙二醇丙烯酸酯
  • PEG-Adenosine 腺苷脱氨酶,腺苷脱氨酶缺乏症治疗药,酶类药
  • Peg-Board n.配挂板
  • PEG-HB 聚乙烯乙二醇牛血红蛋白
    n. (名词)
    1. 琴栓,弦轴
    2. 钉;栓;短桩;桶塞
    3. 限定标准
    4. <英>衣夹
    5. 栓间间距
    6. 依据
    7. <口>假腿,腿
    8. 借口
    9. 弦钮
    10. 佩格(音译名)
    11. 等、级、度
    12. 尖头物;爪
    13. <美俚>裤子
    14. 【棒球】全力投球;传球;钉子球
    15. <方>(尤指小孩子的)牙齿
    v. (动词)
    1. 固定,限定,限制(价格等)
    2. 用木钉钉牢,用木钉钉住,用楔子钉住,在...上钉木钉
    3. 用桩标出
    4. 孜孜不倦地做某事,勤快地工作
    5. <英>用木夹把(衣服)夹在晒衣绳上
    6. 【棒】把…杀出局,投(球)
    7. 急忙前行,疾行
    8. 【股票】稳住(市价)
    9. 【财政】稳住(货币价值)
    10. 扔石头,抛
    11. 使工资、价格等固定于某水平
    12. 视为,看作
    13. 死,断气
    14. 用短桩固定
    15. 用木桩定界(与out连用)
    16. 用木钉记分数
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. & vi. 固定 fasten with pegs


  1. a wooden pin pushed or driven into a surface

  2. small markers inserted into a surface to mark scores or define locations etc.

  3. informal terms for the leg;

    "fever left him weak on his sticks"

  4. a prosthesis that replaces a missing leg

  5. regulator that can be turned to regulate the pitch of the strings of a stringed instrument

  6. a holder attached to the gunwale of a boat that holds the oar in place and acts as a fulcrum for rowing

  1. succeed in obtaining a position;

    "He nailed down a spot at Harvard"

  2. pierce with a wooden pin or knock or thrust a wooden pin into

  3. fasten or secure with a wooden pin;

    "peg a tent"

  4. stabilize (the price of a commodity or an exchange rate) by legislation or market operations;

    "The weak currency was pegged to the US Dollar"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. He hung his coat on the wooden peg.
    2. First hammer the tent pegs into the ground, then tie the ropes onto them.
    3. Whatever, I needed to find a peg to stay at home.
    4. He had not a peg to hang on and got dumb for some time.
    用作及物动词 (vt.)
    1. We pegged the tent to the ground.
    用作不及物动词 (vi.)
    1. We pegged away until our luck turned.
    2. He pegged along the path.
v. (动词)
  1. peg用作名词的意思是“短钉”“栓”,转化为动词意思是“把…用木钉钉住”,引申可表示“固定”。
  2. peg既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,多与介词或副词连用。
  3. peg away at的意思是“孜孜不倦”。
  4. peg的过去式和过去分词均为pegged。
v. (动词)
peg out, die
  • 这组词语都有“死”的意思。其区别在于:peg out是英式英语,多用于口语中,只指“人死”; 而die是一种比较正式的用法,指人时相当于pass away,也可以指植物“干枯”。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    peg away at (v.+adv.+prep.)
      孜孜不倦 be diligent; work hard
      peg away at sth

      He pegs away at his routine work.


      The student pegged away at his studies so that he would get high marks.


      To write a novel, one must keep pegging away at it consistently.


    peg down (v.+adv.)
      固定 stipulate
      peg sb/sth ⇔ down

      The mountaineers pegged their tent down.


      It's very difficult to peg him down to a definite date for completion.


    peg on (v.+prep.)
      把…固定在…上 fasten sth on sth
      peg sth on sth

      He pegged the clothes on the line to dry.


    peg out (v.+adv.)
      〈口〉死 die
      peg sth ⇔ out

      The surveyor pegged out the lot of land.


      They pegged out an area for the construction of a new hotel.


      peg out

      That guy pegged out a few hours ago.


      He became very ill and then he pegged out.


      She pegged out at the age of eighty.


      The child pegged out by drowning.


    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+副词 ~+介词